Part 4

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The jeep slowly came to a halt at the open parking lot of the hospital. The parking lot was not very crowded so Parker just chose a random spot close to the hospital gates. Sam opened his side of the door and stepped onto the asphalt road. He could see the hospital building when they entered this block because it was the only four story building there. Sam looked ahead and examined the grand building.

It was a four story multicomplex spanning over slightly less than an acre. Even though it was only four stories in height, it was very spacious in its width. The front part of the hospital resembled a tower because it was completely covered in glass panes from head to toe compared to normal concrete wall and glass windows for the rest of it. The panes reflected the scenery in front of it as well as the blue sky and the glaring rays from the sun-that had already risen above their head.

Parker also got out, removed her jacket and chucked it into the jeep. The sun was burning above their head, the weather was pretty nice- about mid-seventies, not cold enough to warrant keeping it on. She wore a blue polo t-shirt and moderately tight fitted jeans that stretched long enough to reach her combat boots. She gave him a look which obviously meant to follow her-or so he thought and he was not wrong. She walked fast towards the front gate of the hospital through the asphalt road in the middle of the lot. Sam quietly followed behind her. He smiled wryly and thought to himself- in the past two days, he saw more backs than he saw actual people.

After the initial conversation between them in the jeep, they didn't talk to each other very much on the ride over. She asked him how he knew Fred, how he knew Roy- the castle and a couple of questions about the odd sound that he heard. Other than that, they didn't have any topic to converse on. Parker wanted to ask about Sam's trick a little bit more but she understood that she had to pay full attention to whatever he said-which she couldn't do because she was driving the car. Sam normally talked less so he also didn't initiate any other contact.

They reached the platform which consisted the hospital gate on them. It was four meters high and had a couple of stairs to climb up to. Sam climbed up and saw the big glass doors about ten steps ahead on the platform. They were guarded by the security on both sides. The hospital's lackluster name was shining above the glass door which simply read 'City General Hospital.'

The security guards knew Parker so they greeted her. They curiously checked Sam, seeing as he was following Parker closely but didn't say anything.

After he stepped through the door, he observed the main hall of the hospital. There was a big table on the left side which served as a reception center and information desk both. The ceiling was about two stories high and he could see two straight stairs went above to the 1st floor and connected with a corridor. The corridor led to the rooms on the right side-stretching outward. He could see the waiting area beside the reception where a couple of people were sitting. He also spotted colorful banners on the first door of the 1st floor and could see a couple of kids running around. A nurse chased them playfully and were keeping an eye on them. He guessed that the ward must've belonged to the pediatrics.

"Oi-come on!" Sam turned around at the sound of Parker's yell and saw that she was already halfway into the elevator and was stopping its door with her arms. He hurriedly walked up to her and got inside the elevator. She glared at him when he passed her by and released the door after she also got inside. He saw her pressing the button '3' on the number pad for the top floor and hung back. There was no one in the elevator except them. Because the hospital was only four stories and wider on the sides, only the more serious patients and the doctors on call used them. He thought that Parker would've taken the stairs but it seems he was wrong. He saw she was tapping her feet impatiently, no doubt wanting to know the M. E's report as soon as possible.

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