Part 4

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"Her vitals are steady. Apart from some bruises, she doesn't seem that seriously hurt."

"So, why isn't she waking up?"

"She appears to have been injected with something. I can tell you what when the blood test results come back."

"When will the blood results come back?"

"It'll still take a few hours."


"Calm down Mr. Parker. I can assure you- whatever it is, it isn't life threatening."

Parker was woken by the rather energetic conversation between two familiar voices. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't at first try. It felt like someone had tied weights on her eyelids. Similarly, she couldn't move any of her limbs or her body. Sam said that the nerve agent would wear off in six to eight hours. She didn't know how much time passed since Sam had injected her but it wouldn't have been more than eight hours.

Parker strained herself to open her eyes, which caused her heart rate to spike and caused a loud beep nearby. The two silhouettes who were arguing at the foot of her bed came rushing to her side hearing the sound,



After her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she could see where she was. She was lying down on a bed and there was an IV on her left arm and she was hooked up to a monitor that measured her heartbeat, blood pressures and temperature. It was this monitor that beeped loudly when her heartbeat went up. She didn't have trouble guessing that she was in the city general hospital.

Parker recognized the two worried faces that were observing her. It was Anna and her uncle. She tried to sit up but couldn't move her body. Feeling that she couldn't, she decided to give up on moving. She opened her mouth after some effort and spoke albeit slurring her words,

"H-How did I get here?"

The older Parker, Fred answered her question,

"Walker brought you here. He found you unconscious in your jeep, at the end of the cross-hill road."

"I see." Parker closed her eyes and recalled Sam's words.

Bravo! You managed to keep me safe. But what about you?

Anna chimed in from the side,

"What happened to you?"

"Give me some time." Parker turned silent after saying those words.

Anna and Fred looked at one another. They were relieved that Parker had woken up. Fred saw that Parker was having trouble talking so he decided to wait. Anna was a doctor so; she couldn't stay after her pager beeped and she was needed elsewhere.

It felt like a minute to Parker but actually thirty minutes had passed when she opened her eyes again. The numbness of her body was beginning to alleviate as she started to regain miniscule control of her body. She pushed the button of the remote device on the side of her bed and it raised the back of her hospital bed. She rested her body on that and looked at Fred.

Fred was sitting on the adjacent chair beside her bed. Reading the situation he asked softly,

"What happened out there?"

Parker slowly recounted what had happened. How she and Sam went to the hill, found the ravine and took shelter in the caves when the mountain slide happened. How they were caught, the conversation with Paul and how he took away Sam. Then she went to rescue him and-

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