Chapter Three: Part 1

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Chapter Three.


Parker didn't speak on the way to the garage. She stopped behind a jeep-her personal one. It was a jeep wrangler. It was also quite old but appeared new to Sam when he compared it to Roy's jeep. She took a sit on the driver's seat. Sam was sure he would have to sit on the back but Parker opened the passenger seat on the front from inside. Once he climbed up, she twisted the key in the ignition and started the engine.

Sam also didn't talk. They were forced to work together so he didn't think her attitude toward him was going to change anytime soon. Not that it matters anyway, he just had to put up with this for one week.

He observed her from the corner of his eyes. Her eyes were staring straight ahead and her jaw was clenched. He could tell she was alert from her tightened muscles. She obviously didn't trust him at all.

Parker was aware that Sam was stealing glances. But she didn't say anything. She was waiting to see what he'd do. If he tried anything funny she was ready to react immediately.

But Sam didn't do anything. He turned his face forward, uninterested, not paying any further attention to her.

Parker knew Fred had said that Sam was good at reading people but she doubted that. Although it was unlikely that her uncle had lied to her but she couldn't imagine Sam doing something like that after seeing his ragged appearance even after she discounted her bias toward him. So, she decided to test him to see if he really is as great as her uncle claimed to be.

"Tell me, what did Fred mean when he said you were good at reading people?"

"Why?" Sam didn't move his gaze as he asked.

"To convince me. Despite what Fred thinks, I don't think you would be much help to me. You certainly don't have any capability to teach me. So, I want to see what can you do. Then I'll decide for myself."

Sam could see she was testing him. She was also trying to gauge why Fred held him in so high regard but was trying very hard to not let it show on her face.

He thought about it for few seconds. It's not a bad idea to demonstrate a little bit of his ability to her. It would certainly make things easier for him, not having her to question him at every turn.

"It's nothing. Just simple deductions based on normal observations." He said as if it was not that big of a deal.

"Oh Really!" Parker exclaimed. She then sarcastically added,

"Then you have no problem showing me some of your ability. What can you tell about me? And don't deny, I saw you secretly observing me."

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?" Sam noticed the sarcastic undertone but remained unfazed.

"What-not confidant enough in your ability so, looking for excuses?" Parker mocked.

"No-but I don't think you are going to like what I have to say. Most people don't."

"If you spout fictitious nonsense, then it's no wonder why they don't like that." Parker maintained her poker face but the mocking tone in her voice was clear.

"Ok-don't tell me I didn't warn you later." Sam shrugged his shoulders. Then he started speaking in a serious voice turning to look at her,

"Tell me, what was the colour of Fred's shirt?"

"Seriously?" She turned to look at him, incredulously.

"Just answer the question." Sam knew how ridiculous he sounded but it was necessary.

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