Part 2

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"There are four 'Tim Curran's we have on our records, but I don't think they are the ones that you are searching for." Walker put up the four mug shots side by side and tapped on the monitor for Parker to see.

Parker examined the pictures and their short description underneath. One was a homeless guy-arrested for public littering, one was a petty thief and the other two were teenagers, arrested for DUI's. Walker was right. None of them fit the profile to what Mr. Edwards described- that of an arrogant businessman. So, the one they were searching for didn't appear to have criminal record. She turned to Walker to say something and saw that he was curiously observing Sam who was talking with Fred, through the half open window blinds. He felt Parker's eyes on him and asked, pointing a finger at Sam,

"Isn't he the guy that we dragged here yesterday?"

Parker didn't reply. She also turned her neck to the direction of her uncle's room. Fred and Sam seemed to be in deep conversation. She could see Sam's back which obscured Fred but she caught glimpses of Fred's animated hands a few times. She didn't know what they were talking about as Fred had called away Sam as soon as they arrived at the station. She also followed him but got stopped at the door, Fred politely told her that he only wanted to speak with Sam and turned her away. She was even more intrigued and slightly pissed off. But she couldn't just barge in there. So, she decided she would grill Sam about this and his vague identity at lunch.

The station was empty except for Walker who was idling at his desk. He was surprised to see Sam return with Parker and even more surprised when Fred called him away. But before he could ask anything Parker came over and asked him to search a name in the Police database. Walker turned his eyes to Parker not hearing anything. He wasn't present yesterday so he didn't know about Sam and Parker's arrangement. He observed her face and could tell that she wanted to be in that room. He asked again,

"What's the matter? Did something happen between you guys after I went home last night?"

Parker straightened her neck and her gaze met with Walker's. He was clearly expecting her to answer the question but another matter was running through her mind. She put her hand in her pocket and retrieved the paper that Mr. Edwards had given, where the name and the number was written. She took out her cell phone with her other hand and started dialing the number. The call was received after a few rings and a sweet cheerful voice rang out from the other side,

"Hello. Echo Real Estate Developments. How may we help you?"

Parker put her hand over the speaker and turned to Walker,

"Search 'Echo real Estate' and see what comes up."

The woman on the phone continued, 'Hello-Hello? Is anyone there?"

But Parker cut the line. She didn't want to speak on the phone. She wanted to interview them in person.

Walker typed in the name and pressed enter just as Parker instructed him to. Way too many results came up in the search. He couldn't be sure as to what was the one Parker searching for so he added 'Oakside Ridge, California' after the name in the search bar. This time very few results returned. He clicked on a link that seemed to be the website. He was directed to a fancy webpage which was filled with pictures of various impressive buildings and the words-

"We Build Your Future"

Flashed in big font on the headline.

There were small descriptions written on the side of each pictures but Walker scrolled past them. And Parker spoke from above,

"Go to the about page."

"Ok." Walker nodded and clicked on the about page. There was a brief summary about the site but Parker tapped on the corner of the screen,

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