Chapter Six: Part 1

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Chapter Six.


The men carried Sam through the serpent like tunnels which made him feel like a rat in a maze. The feeling was partially valid because the tunnels that led to caves in the hill were created purposefully like a maze to lose and disorient pursuers. But the men seem to know what they were doing as they quickly reached a well-lit cave and dropped him off there. They didn't speak to him or one another for that matter and quickly vanished in the tunnels again.

Having nothing better to do, Sam started to look around. The men dropped Sam not far from the entrance into the cave so, he could see all of the cave quite clearly. It was a rather spacious cave and it was probably used as their HQ-judging by the furniture it had. The cave was roundish in shape and its walls were smooth. Sam could tell that it didn't form naturally like the other caves. Most probably the Mafia built it as their hideout in the 60s. There was a naked led bulb hanging from a wire in the middle of the room and it was quite bright as its light was nicely illuminating the whole cave.

Sam turned his attention to the furniture. There was a medium size wood table in the middle of the room with two chairs that were arranged opposite to each other. There were some paper, files and folders, two water bottles and about three walkie-talkies resting on top of the table. Duffel bags of all sizes were scattered around the room and Sam could see some equipment's like nylon ropes, clamps, drills, screw drivers and some others which he couldn't identify peeking out from them. There were also some clothes- construction overalls and boots stooped in one corner.

Footsteps sounded behind Sam just as he was finished observing the cave. Sam could tell from the footsteps that there was only one man and soon enough Paul's slender body came into his vision as Paul stopped before him.

Paul took out a cylindrical object from his pocket which turned out to be a switchblade knife. Noticing Sam's gaze on the blade he smiled as he reassured Sam,

"Don't worry, the knife is for the rope. I'm sure- being tied up isn't a very comfortable experience, is it?"

He took a step forward and started cutting the ropes. Sam's face slightly winced as blood begun to circulate again to the tied-up areas. It didn't take long for Paul to cut all the ropes and soon Sam became free. Paul stepped back after cutting the last thread and pressed a button which retracted the blade as he put away the knife in his pocket. He then tapped Sam on the shoulders,

"Come on."

Sam unsteadily stood up. Seeing that Sam was going to need help, Paul grabbed Sam's arms and slowly walked him to the wooden table,

"Please take a seat." He prompted.

Sam wordlessly complied. The chair was considerably spacious than the last one he had been in so; he was able to sit somewhat comfortably. When he looked ahead, he saw that Paul took the chair opposite to him. Paul noticed Sam's pale face and chapped lips so he passed a water bottle to Sam and beckoned him to drink up.

Sam was feeling very parched so he didn't hesitate to take Paul up on his offer. He drank in small amounts but even though he was careful he couldn't suppress the cough that welled up. But he felt a lot better after the cough subsided and put the bottle on the table after finished drinking. He then directed his gaze toward Paul.

Paul patiently waited for Sam to finish. When he saw Sam looking at him, he spoke up as a slight smile danced on his lips,

"Odd place we ended up finding each other, don't you think?"

Sam remained silent. He had no intention to say anything before he was absolutely certain that Paul knew his true identity.

Paul's smile widened seeing Sam's expressionless face. But he didn't immediately follow up. Instead, he took out a cigarette packet and offered one to Sam. But Sam shook his head.

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