11- The Escape

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Sorry this was so long in the making, I hope you enjoy!


You woke up again to the feeling of warm arms wrapped around your waist. Ranboo had his chin resting on the top of your head, breathing softly. You barely remembered last night, you'd been so tired. Ranboo had gotten you back safely and helped you fall asleep.

If we ever get back, I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep. I've gotten so used to being snuggled by him.

You pressed your back into his chest, cuddling closer to the comforting presence. In response to your movements, he muttered something unintelligible and squeezed you softly. You melted at how adorable it was, slipping back into the sweet realm of dreams.

* time skip brought by my nonexistent will to live *

You and Ranboo woke late today, tired from the beach yesterday. You laid in bed making small talk with him until your stomachs painfully reminded you how empty they were.

Giggling at the rumbling between you and Ranboo, you stood up and stretched. He also stood up and raised his hands to the sky. On an impulse, you poked his side, making him laugh and fall to the ground dramatically. After you had both stopped laughing, you offered your hand to the man on the ground. He gladly took it and pulled himself upright, not letting go of your hand. You squeezed it twice, you're cute, and he blushed.

* short timeskip *

After a small breakfast, you stood up and took a deep breath. You wanted to go to the other side of the island to look for supplies. There might be different types of fruit or something from the airplane wreckage. That's right! The airplane! Maybe there's emergency flares or some kind of radio transmitter-

Ranboo shook you out of your thoughts- literally. He gently grabbed your shoulder and shook it, making you laugh and push him away jokingly.

"You jerk," you said, rolling your eyes.

"Your jerk," he joked back, elbowing you in the side. You looked away, trying to hide your blush, but laughed all the same.

"Whatever- anyways, I'm going to pick more mangoes or nuts or something, can you scout out the island a little bit more?"

"Aye aye, Captain!" He saluted you and marched off like the dweeb (/pos) he is. You laughed at the guy walking away from you, and reflected on the past few weeks of living like this- gathering nuts, eating the occasional fish or crab, and enjoying the sweet fruit that grew all around you.

After about half an hour of gathering some more food, you heard fast footsteps behind you. You turned just in time to see Ranboo hurtling towards you, out of control as he slammed into you, making you drop the freshly picked mangoes and roll down the hill with him following close behind. After a few seconds of painful falling, you made it to the bottom of the hill. He reached the bottom a few seconds later, laughing so hard he shouldn't have been able to breathe.

"What-" pant "was-" pant "that?" You laughed out.

"Y/n! Y/n! I found the thing!" He was practically shouting now, seemingly very excited about something.

"The what?"

"The airplane wreck! There's supplies inside! Maybe a flare or a transmitter!" He had started to shake his hands excitedly, displaying his nervous energy.

You got to your feet in a flash, ready to go find a way off the island. You grabbed Ranboo and pulled him into a hug, jumping up and down slightly. He hugged you tightly back, squeezing rather hard.

"Y/n, I'm so happy I could kiss you!" And kiss you he did. On the top of your head. Because he's a fricking giant.

You pushed him away and started running in the direction he came from. "Race ya!"

After a few minutes of running, you reached the beach on the other side of the island. There it was, in all its glory. The airplane wreckage. You both approached it carefully, looking to see where the entrances and exits were. Having noted them, you ran up to one of the open doors and climbed inside. It was a mess, suitcases and all of the luggage inside of them strewn everywhere.

It smelled awful, like sea salt and body odor. Covering your mouth with your shirt, you walked towards the cockpit. From what you knew, there were supplies under the seats. Stepping over many piles of clothes or random backpack, you made it to the front. Sure enough, under the Captain's seat was a full backpack. You opened it up, looking through the contents. There were a few signal flares, a knife, a box of matches, and some ointment for scratches.

As soon as you saw the last thing out of the bag, you grabbed the whole thing and ran for the exit, leaving a confused Ranboo still in the cockpit.

After you both made it outside, you grabbed the flare and lit it with a match, it went off with a whistle, shooting red sparks into the sky. You watched as it shimmered out, shining in the bright sunlight.

That night, you and Ranboo ate well. There was fish that you had caught earlier today, and the fruit you'd picked that morning. As you looked towards the horizon, you saw a shape. There was a little dot, getting closer, and then staying the same size.

You frantically got to your feet and grabbed the backpack. After grabbing the flare, you lit the match in the fire and set it off, the red sparks contrasting brightly against the night sky. The dot which used to be so small got closer and closer, until you could see the coast guard ship in the dying light of the day.

The people on the boat sent out a lifeboat to come get you. When you saw the man in the boat, you told him that there were things you needed to get first. You ran to your camp, which had become so dear to you, and hastily grabbed everything you needed. Taking one last look at the place which had served you so well, you turned your back to everything that nature had done for you.

The trip in the lifeboat was quiet, peaceful even. The gentle movement of the boat was relaxing, until you safely made it to the larger boat. You climbed the ladder and stood on the deck, looking out at the island where you had spent the last month. Ranboo stood next to you, also looking at the island.

You were still looking at it when the boat crossed the horizon and you could see it no longer.


1334 words idk what last chapter was lmao i didnt check

Thank you for reading! This is the last chapter because I'm honestly not sure how to continue this book. Legit almost cried writing the last few paragraphs. I'd like to thank Loaf my bestie and amazing frickin person I love them- they've been helping me write (and annoying me until I do) and we're writing a book together- it's a dsmp irl kinda thing, and I love it so much so far :3

The main character is an oc, and I have way too much of an emotional connection to her now :,)

Also, according to statistics, only 5% of you have voted or followed! If you could vote and follow, it would mean the world to me. (This is a joke btw you don't have to)

Also, this book is coming to an end. There's just the epilogue left! Who should I do a book about next? Should it be an xreader or just two people in the fandom? Please leave me ideas, I'm open to anything <3

Again, thank you for being with me this whole time, really means the world to have people enjoy my work.

I hope to see you in the next book!

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