Gwen's Lucky Discovery

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POV Kevin

As my brother and Albedo were working on their watch I was just reading a comic. I was feeling guilty about everything. I was thinking about those two boys with the watches. They're a lot like Calvin and I but better. I felt bad for betraying them but I had to. As all these thoughts were beginning to bother me further I decided to take a walk.

Kevin: Hey you two I'm gonna head out for a while. You need something?

Calvin: Yeah more power!

Albedo: Nothing you useless swine.

Kevin: I was just asking.

I then left and began walking around town.

POV Gwen

As I was reading one of Heather's spell-books she gave me as Lucy and Frieda were getting to know one another and Ben was up front talking to Grandpa. As for Heather she was trying to talk with Y/N.

Heather: Y/N why won't you tell me what you truly think.

Y/N: Because that's my business.

Heather: And I care about you so I feel I should know.

Y/N: If I want you to know then I'll tell you but I don't want you to know so back off.

Heather: But I just-

Y/N: Heather I said back off. You'll get your answers when I'm ready to give them.

Gwen: What's your problem Y/N.

Y/N: Nothing I'm thinking.

Gwen: Well you obviously have some kind of problem because of how you are treating Heather.

Y/N: Like how you treated her before was so much better?

I was furious. Everyone else looked Y/N in shock as Heather looked down. I stared him down and in anger I snapped back.

Gwen: Just because your Dad died doesn't mean you can be a jerk!

Y/N: And just because you know a little bit of magic doesn't mean your useful to us in a battle. You've done nothing except for sit there and stare while we all do the work. So Gwen I have a question. Why do you think you can talk to me like that when you are the most useless person here?

Heather: Y/N!


Y/N: Nothing I just asked a question. Is that so wrong?

Lucy: Is this how you normally are or-

Y/N: Don't worry about it.

Frieda: I think we should.

Gwen: You really think think I'm useless?

Y/N: Yep. So with that being said-


Grandpa had pulled over the Rust Bucket and stood in front of Y/N.

Max: You will apologize to Gwen this instant do you hear me?

Y/N: Why? She stuck her nose where it didn't belong.

Max: That's it Ben Y/N will be taking over for your chores until further notice.

Y/N: (laughs) You really think that'll get me to apologize?

Max: No I'll call your mother.

Y/N: Yeah you do that I'm outta here.

Max: Excuse me?

Y/N: I'm out. I need to think and you guys are being nothing but a nuisance.

As Y/N began walking to the door of the Rust Bucket Heather and Frieda stood in front of the door and Lucy hugged him from behind.

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