Charles grand plan

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(Author's note)

Now then. I think the set up has been nicely built up so far. Now let's start some chaos.

POV Calvin

Okay so Ben wants to get cold feet. Okay then. I'll joined the brother. I walked up with the rest of the rooters and entered Charles hideout from Y/N.

Charles: Calvin. I've been expecting you.

He turned to face me in a very nice looking suit.

Calvin: Ah well here I am. Now then I'm sure you know why I'm here?

Charles: Of course my friend. And it seems you've brought friends.

Calvin: These are the Rooters. Manny, Helen, Alan, and Pierce. We also have a boss who wishes to give you a gift.

Charles: I like gifts. What is it?

I then held up the thing Servantis gave me to give him.

I then held up the thing Servantis gave me to give him

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Charles: What is this?

Calvin: A time beast egg. When it hatches it'll take you through time. 

His eyes lit up.

Charles: Perfect. I can change my plans.

Calvin: Yep and you'll be able to change this timeline meaning no issues going to other timelines. Time Beast obey their own rules of time. Meaning you can exact revenge on them and stop Kasey from-

He laughed. 

Charles: And here I thought killing them will make it work. I can be a GOD!

He held up the egg and I smiled. 

Calvin: We have some conditions.

Charles: Yes?

Calvin: You stop Y/N from ever being born!

Charles smiled wider.

Charles: With pleasure! Now then I need a few more things before we can start. I want Y/N angry and distracted. I need his last moments of existence to be filled with misery as everything vanishes around him! So listen. I need you to find me a man named Mason Windchester. That's Y/N's mortal enemy. He also needs something better then a robot suit.

Calvin: I got a few Ideas.

Charles: Okay(checks notes) What about the clone Y/N?

Calvin: He's missing his watch. But Albedo can create another in no time.

Charles: Good. I need him too. Anyone else you can grab?

Calvin: Well the boss man can grab a few Null Void prisoners. Also I have another guy recovering. There's people who want Y/N's head. But I do have a guy who'd love him out of the way. He's similar to my brother in the Osmosian  department.

The Ultimate Hero: Ben 10 Male reader Insert!Where stories live. Discover now