Make over

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"Okay, as you all know, as national champions we get to host the annual Show Choir Rules Committee meeting." Mr. Schue said, kicking off their first glee meeting of the year.

At those words, Winnie frowned. The Show Choir Rules Committee was a thing? And why was it something Mr. Schue supposed she would even know about?

"Please tell me you're gonna ask what 1/3 vintage meant last year?" Tina asked.

"Or like, why some teams get to sing six songs and other ones only do one?" Sam said and, really, that was a decent point they were making.

"Speaking of competitions, shouldn't we start like, preparing for ours?" Jake asked.

"I have some ideas which I am working on very hard." Mr. Schue said, as everyone turned to look at him, as if expecting him to elaborate. When the teacher hesitated for a second, Winnie sighed. He had no ideas at all. "Hum... I don't really want to give anything away right now, but... Yes, Britt, go ahead."

Mr. Schue sounded almost relieved when he noticed Brittany's hand in the air, giving her the word so that he wouldn't have to continue talking - or rather, embarrassing himself.

"Excuse me, I'm not sure if what you were saying was actually important 'cause I wasn't listening but I'd like to make an announcement." Brittany said, standing up from her chair as she moved to stand in the middle of the room. "First, I'd like to know if anyone can prove that Blaine was actually born in this country. Second, I'm wrapping up the election by selecting Artie as my running mate. I think by bridging the human-slash-robot divide, we'll ensure that both students and vending machines will be voting for us."

"Still not a robot." Artie mumbled, as Blaine frowned.

"Brittany, that's not fair." He protested. "This isn't a popularity contest, it's about who's got the best ideas. It's about believing you can make a change, right?"

Winnie watched for a second as Blaine and Brittany glared at each other and she frowned, quietly. Were they both running for class president? And did they have VP's now? Winnie wasn't even aware of that. Maybe she should start paying attention to her surroundings a little more...

"What is that taste in my...? Is that sour grape?" Artie teased, as Blaine huffed.

And while Brittany moved to take a seat near Artie, with a smile, Winnie realized that was about to be a rather long week.


"If I'm going to be completely honest, I'm a little worried that my picking you as a running mate is going to seem like a desperate grab for the straight vote if you don't really look like a serious candidate, you know?" Blaine asked, voicing the concerns he had been having ever since choosing Sam as his VP.

"What do you mean, pilgrim?" Sam retorted, in one of his impressions as he walked with his friend down the hallways of McKinley.

"Was that John Wayne?" Blaine asked, slightly unamused.

"Yeah." Sam admitted. "I panicked."

"Okay, listen." Blaine decided, stopping for a second as he spun around to face Sam. "When's your next free period? I need you to meet me in the costume shop. We're gonna help you look like a real candidate."

"I don't think we'll be able to do all that in just one free period." Sam admitted, slightly embarrassed.

"We will if we ask the right person for help." Blaine smirked.

"Who?" Sam frowned, causing Blaine to just shake his head.

"Just trust me." He said, starting to walk away from Sam before shouting over his shoulder: "And meet me there in your free period!"

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now