Hospital Wing

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I'm currently racing to the hospital wing because one of my friends came into my dorm to tell me that Oliver took a bad fall from the goal posts. Of course one of the only games I don't go to Oliver ends up injured. Honestly not surprised. I usually don't skip his games, but I had to catch up on missing work.

I'm a excellent student and always gets my papers into the teachers on time, but this week Oliver has been keeping me up until 2 a.m. to help on quidditch plays.

When I reach the hospital wing and open the door I already hear Madam Pomfrey telling Oliver to lie still.

"Will you just sit for one second while I try to find this potion Mr. Wood"

"No, I need to see her. She wasn't at my game and I'm getting worried" Oliver said

"She's probably doing work or whatever. But besides that lie still"

Oliver was too busy to notice that I was standing at the entrance of the hospital, he was on the farthest cot. I walked up to him and sat beside him.

"Oliver why won't you lie still" I said

"Godric!! Why weren't you at my game?" He said lying down and giving me a concerned look

"Well I was catching up on my work that's missing"

"Missing Work? From you?"

"If you didn't know, you've been keeping me up this past week til 2 a.m." I said laughing a little

"Are you done with the work?"

"About. Why?"

"I was wondering if you would be up to going to Three Broomsticks later?"

"No,No, ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" Madam Pomfrey said walking towards Oliver with the potion that helps his bones heal.

"Mr.Wood you have a concussion, several broken ribs, and many other problems for me to deal with. We'll try to get you out of this cot by next week."

"NEXT WEEK!!" Oliver said

"Yes, unless you want to be limping and getting piggyback rides by miss.Y/L/N here."

I laughed a little at that comment. "Sorry Ollie but it looks like you'll have to be in the hospital until next week. I am not giving you a piggyback ride." You kissed his forehead as you got up to leave.

"Since you're already doing your homework can you do mine til I get out?" He said with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.

"No, but I will bring it by and work on it with you, since we have most classes together"

"Merlin, what would I do without you"

"I really don't know" you said "Hey Ollie, before I leave can I ask what happened?"

"Well I was looking for you in the stands and then out of nowhere a bludger came at me and knocked me out"

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't there" you said with a guilty tone

"Hey, don't be sad about it you'll come to all my other games and then I don't have to get knocked out."

You just laughed and went back to your dorm.

Oliver's POV

Y/n just walked out and I was a little sad she left. Also, a little mad. I'm now stuck with Madam BOSSYPANTS Pomfrey. Sometimes I wish I didn't get injured as much because then I wouldn't always have to be bossed by her.

I hadn't even noticed that she was listening to our conversation when she walked up to be and handed me a vial.

"You're got pretty lucky being with her." She said

"What do you mean"

"She cares for you, like cares A LOT for you"

"Guess so"


For the next week Y/n would come in with loads of paper while she taught and worked with Oliver. Although Oliver never wanted to learn something that wasn't quidditch he decided to learn the stuff they were teaching because Y/n was reteaching it to him.

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