Sorry for not posting

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   The reason why I haven't been active on this platform is because I've been having so much going on that I completely forgot about this. That's only one of the reasons. Another was, and still is, my mental health. On days where I don't post TikTok's one of the reasons might be because today was a rough day or have loads of homework, but it's mainly because I just feel empty inside. Not sad or happy, just empty.

   When I do post on tiktok and hopefully on this platform I feel there's a little spark of reassurance that this is just a phase and I hopefully get better.

I know you probably don't care, and I understand that, it's just I haven't told anyone about my mental health and I feel like I can express it on here, and type my feeling out.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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