Chapter 18 : Last Night Together

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Niall's POV

Last night with her before I live for tour. After the talk with Paul, I saw the doctors came out of Nicole's room. I quickly ran to them and asks some questions.

" How is her condition doc? " I asks him

" She shown some signs but she still won't wake up maybe another week or so . "He said

" WHAT ! " I said

" AUGH " I said and slowly turmed the knob to her room. 

Her hand twitched and yet she has'nt woke up yet. There I was , sitting next to her bed. My white T-shirtgone really wet and my jeans are all dirty. I'm not that secretive about my scars now and I'm happy that the fan understands it. Still I have a session with uncle Simon. I put my hand on my hair and ruffle it due to frustration.

" ugh" i said as I threw my head to the hospital bed. She became paler and her hair is started to grow to their medium lenght. Her pink plump lips that i used to kiss whenever I want and yet you let me do it. i wished you wake up right now so I can spend the night with you. I wish I can do something very  special to you. That one and only girl that i love, My princess

Then i thought of something

" I'll be right back " I said and kissed her forehead

I got out of the hospital and to my car. I put the car key to the slot and hit the pedal. I was driving around 15 minutes until i saw a familiar parking lot. I'm here at the pond. i grabbed the flashlight and got out of the car, I went to many bushes and trees that i tripped over 5 times already. I kinda have a cut through my arm and spreading towards my white T. The cut is small though. I turned on the flashlight and went through it. I found some fireflies lighting some flowers with thair bottoms. perfect. I quickly picked it up. The violet liles really took my sight. i got so many flowers that my flashlight fell but it shone the carving that Nicole made at the tree. My cheeks turned red while remembering that moment. Then i saw something beside the tree , a white rose with a singel leaf at the stem. i picked it up and put iy on the pile of flowers I got. i was running toward the woods and to my car. I opened the backseat and threw the flowers in and I got out of the car and went to the driver's seat and I drive to the hospital

When i got to the hospital, I got ready for my surprise. I was in her room while I tia all of the liles in a thread and the nurses helped me print the picture of the carvings of the tree. When i finally finished it, It was 4am. SHIT.  I have three more hours. The nurses already handed me the picture and I worked on the wall. I glued the flowers to the wall to make a heart shapeand I put the picture in the middle. It was already 4;30 am. and only one flower was left, the white rose. I'm gonna do something really simple. I got the rose and put it in a vase. I opened my laptop and searched for Ebay. I looked for something for the both of us can have and I saw a couple necklace, one with a lock and one with a key. I ordered it and send the address after an hour, I received it and put it to her table next to her bed.  It's already 5:30 and I hane one and a half more to go. I'm done, Just in case she's wake up. I grabbed her hand and kissed her hand and fell asleep next to her.

 i was woken up with a hand shaking my shoulder. It was only Paul though.

" Paul wait for 5 minutes, I promise I'll be back then" I said. " just make sure of it." He said and left the room. i took a glance to her.

'I'll miss everything about her. i was planning to bring her to the tour with me but this happened. i wish I didn't come, I'm so stupid! Going to an alleyway at night! i wish I could go back to that dayand stopped everything. if that happened ... God knows what we are doing right now. We could be at the carnival, nandos , a fancy dinner or just cuddling at the house. I see right now is my angel attached with so many wires to keep her alive.'

I took my last glance

'I'm going to miss this. Why don't she wake up already so I can tell her 'goodbye' properly. GOSH! Why am I so selfish.'

" I love you, I 'll be back "I said and kissed her forehead. A tear escaped my eye.

" I'll miss you" i said and kiss her to her slightly cold lips. I grabbed the locknecklace and got out of the room. I saw Paul leaning at the wall.

" great let's go " Paul said

" Yeah " I said and looked at the necklace. I put the itaround my neck. I looked at the lock necklace and she has the key, the only key that fits the lock perfectly. That what descrbes us. I'm the only one for her and she is the only one for me and no one is ever gonna change that.


it's dark , really dark. I want to lifht my eyelids but I can't. "I'll miss you " i heard someone . What accents is that ? Irish? CAuse I'm sure It's not Brititsh.

It's ben hours of trying to move my eyelids and I finally did it. I opened my eys and saw a raven haired boy at the side of my bed.

I gently shake his shoulders and he joltly stand up and hug me. I was trying to break lose but he won't bulge.

" I miss you " He whispered.

" W-W-Hoo are you? " I ask

" I'm Mark . Don't you remember me, Nicole? " He said

" Nicole?, Is that my name " I ask

" Yes and I'm Mark, your boyfriend" He said and I just made a questioning look but he has  an irish accent. He might be the voice i heard earlier.


I'll update the next week... :)


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