Chapter 7 : Sing

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Hey guys 

I'm back

I have news

I"M rank 2 at my class


Here's the story by the way 



Nicole's POV

I looked out of the door from the bakery and waiting for Niall to come. I saw the store is packed today. 

Niall said he will be here at 7 but it's already 8 and i'm next to sing. Then I saw a car and I saw a familiar blonde haired.

"NIALL " I yelled

" NICOLE, I',m sorry for being late, I have a concert around here" He said

" come'on i'm next. You brought your guitar? " I asked

" Yeah , wouldn't miss it for the world "  He said with a smile.

We came in the shop and headed to the small atage at the corner. I heard some girls squeeling and some girls outside begging to come in. I saw our audience. Full of lovely inlove couples. 

ahhhhh I wish I'll find that special someone...

I sat at a chair with a mic and Niall sat next to me with a mic near his guitar. 

" okay guys, While you make lovy dovy over there, I will be your singer for tonight, please bear with me, I don't have that talent to sing" I said

" don't believe her, she'll be the best singer you've ever had" niall said

He strummed his guitar and started to play KISS ME by ED SHEERAN

Settle down with me 

Cover me up 

Cuddle me in 

Lie down with me 

Hold me in your arms 

Your heart's against my chest 

Lips pressed to my neck 

I've fallen for your eyes 

But they don't know me yet 

And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love...... 

I paused at the phrase and stared at Niall, I was blushing. I can't be in love of Niall. I just can't . Even if I do ,

he won't like me back anyway.

Niall's POV

She stopped and stared at me ... weird

I heard the crowd murmuring in disappointed. I can't have the crowd waiting so I sang the following liines.

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Settle down with me 

And I'll be your safety 

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