Chapter 8 : Suicide part 2

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I'm so happy that it hit 1K reads !!! 

Party , Party!



Niall's POV

I run quickly as I can until I reached her house. I knocked on ther door but no one answeres. I slammed my body to the door forcing it to break.

There were filth everywhere, more mesier than Louis' room. Unbelievable.

I run upstairs and saw a door. There were writings on the door

Nicole's room! Stay out!

I opened it and no one was there but I heard running water. I saw the bed with small drops of blood and a blood printed sheped as a hand on the whit cloth. It was the same size as Nicole's

I went to the bathroom, luckily it was open, but I saw something I wished not  and never to see


It was Nicole sitting with blood all over her arm and clothes. She was breathing heavily and I saw a deep cut at her wrist and a blade at her other han. Her eyes are closed but she was still concious 

I  quickly grabbed the blade and threw it in a trash can. I grabbed my handkerchief and dip it in the water. I gently put pressure to her wrist to stop the bleeding.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

" Wh-h-h-y ? " She said with a cracking voice.

" What do you mean why? I came here to save you. Why are you doing this to yourself? " I answered back

" To let go of the pain, To stop this shit I call life " She said

My eyes widened, She's suicidal

" WHy do you care about me? " She said... ahhh that question again

: I'm your friend, It's my job" I said

" STOP THAT BULLSHIT" She yelled , my eyes widened

" What do you mean ? What did I do to make you hate me AGAIN " I said

I heard her make a small chuckle

" You know what Niall,  You're great at that , you really deceived me to befriend you. Now I know, whatever I do I always end up being hurt " She said and she started to close her eyes.


My eyes started to burn and Form tears. I held her hand tightly and she hold me back.

Thank God, She is still alive

" Thank you fo everything , for once in my life, i'm happy" SHe said. My tears started to fall crazy.

SHe lost grip of my hand

No she cant be gone!

I shake her body to get a reaponse but failed. My tears started to fall like crazy.

" Nicole, wake up babe. This is not funny , please wake up. Please tell me you're joking" I said.


I can still hear her heart. I have a chance to save her.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called 911.

After that  I carried her downstairs, I don't care how my clothes will get all bloody, I just want to see her eyes and her beautiful smile.

I looked at her closed eyes

'Please don't die'

I took her hand .

'Feel my warnth, You're not alone'

 'You're beautiful'

As time pass bymy worries starts to gorw. As I held her tighter.

Then the sounds of sirens came.

" Please sir put her here " a man with a white uniform said. He opened a small bed and I lay her there,

She looks so peaceful.

" PLease can you save her? " I ask

" We will surely do our best to save her, all you need to do is pray for her " The man said.

We went inside the van.

I held her hand and her heart is still beeping.

" Your girlfriend? " The man said

" I wish , But she looks at me as a friend " I said


No! Nicole

I saw the monitor showing a flat line...


There you go : )

since i'm been busy at school and all

I decided to make some limits.

I will update when I receive

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