Chapter 2 : 2nd Visit

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Hello my lovelies

I just heard something bad about me........ 

So I need to work hard at my studies or else I will be teased...... So much for my smarty pants days :(((((((

Well here you go guys :)))




Nicole's POV

I woke up with a little headache. I got my salary from the bakery yesterday so I finally can get more food for mom and I. I notice the noise from outside, It was raining. I got up and headed to the shower and dressed up for school, like yesterday, I have a jacket on hiding the cuts. I wnet downstairsand saw my mom cooking.

" Hey sweetie " she said

" Mom, i'll do the cooking, you must be tired " I said taking ove the stove

" No, you have school at day and work at a local bakery at night " She said " I'll cook for a change "

" Thanks mom " I said

" oh yeah mom, Here is my salary for the week " I said and handed the money

" you should take the half " my mom said

" Are you sure, mum " I said

" yes, you need it more than I do " She said

I ate my breakfast, it's been so long since i last tasted my mom's cooking. Once I got my tummy filled, I got my umbrella and walked to school. If you're wondering how far it is. It's like a 15 minute walk from our house.

When I finally got to school, I saw bunch of girls covering a car, A limosene maybe?

Nevermind I'll just walk in the school.


I dindn't see Aly and friends anywhere

Because usually they just push me aside and insult me......

I entered my classroom, I noticed no one was in yet

Thank God, For once, I can sit peacefully without any insults from my classmates

The white walls and slighty blurry window relaxes me. I really dind't bring lunch today. Mom cooked this morning and forgot to pack some but luckily I got my weekly salary from the bakery so I can buy food at the canteen.

Then I heard a screeching sound from the door. Someone opened the door and I looked. It was him again...

What's his name again?



He walked closer to me and sat at the seat next to me. The sounds of girls screaming at the other side is kinda disturbing.

"Hey, I'm Niall, You know , The one from yesterday " He said

So that's his name, Niall

I just look at him though

" I was waiting a response since yesterday " He said

I just stared at him

" Say something, love " He continued

I still didnd''t reply

" Hey, I asked some students here and your name is Nicole, right? " He said

I nod in agreement

" That's a cute name honestly " he said with a smile

I can see him blushing

Wait..... did he just complemented me

Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft! Like its true

wait.... Aly might find me with him

This is bad.... Shes gonna torture me

I pointed out the window signaling him to leave

" You want me to leave? " He said

I just nod 

He stand up and scratch the back of his head, messing up his hair

" well , if you want, Here is my number and text me sometime" He said, He grabbed a piece of paper and started to right numbers on it and gave it to me.

He left the room.

My other classmates came in and I saw the girls giving me an evil glare

Then --gulp-- Aly

She gave me this angry glare and I know this is gonna be a bad day


" hey four eyes " Aly said with an angry voice

I'm gonna die!

" hands off my man or else " She continued. What man? Niall is the only one who spoke to me without a single insult. Maybe she's in love with that blonde headed boy

I dindt answer

 For pete's sake just leave me alone!

Then I felt something hit my back. It made a crack noise, I turned around and saw an egg. I can feel my back getting wet. Then after an awkward silence, It started raining eggs and all of them is targrting me.  I can hear their horrifying laugh

What did I do to deserve this 

I run out of the canteen and something slipped out something. There is too much happening right now I couldn't turn back. 

 Then Aly reached it and ripped it into pieces

I got out of the room and someone poured flour all over me

I saw the boys who poured it to me

I could'nt take it anymore....

I run to the bathroom and took off my jacket showing the cuts. 7 actually

My tears are falling and I just couldn't take it anymore

I remembered  I kept a razor at my backpack, luckily The guards don't have metal detectors

I locked the door and grabbed the razor from my bag

I just need another one or two.

I gently put it above my wrist and quickly slice my fragile skin. 

I saw the blood pourind out of it.

I neede another one 

While I Put it agan above my wrist 

I image THEIR faces, laughs all the insults they gave to me

Lastly an image of NIall

I let out a small scream and the blood was uncontrollable

I just want to have a normal life

This wouldn't happen if NIall dind't came in my life....


Hello Chap 2 guys:)

P.S guys please follow @CharmaineUy, Especially pilipinos :)))

Fan <3




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