Bakugou x Reader

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Bakugo reclines on the couch, letting his spine creak into an awkward curve as he swats at the cushion for the remote. He finds it and flicks through the channels, settling on the news.

'Oi!' Craning his neck, Bakugo yells out, barely pausing before he's screaming out again. 'Red! It's on.'

Kirishima emerges from his room at a run. He slips, skidding on the hard-wood before leaping over the back of the couch. Landing hard, he bounces, then throws his legs out onto the coffee table. 'You reckon he'll do better this time?'

'No.' Bakugo laughs, thumbing up the volume as the screen switches from the news room to a wide shot of one of the down town agencies. The sun glints off the glass, soaking both Todoroki and the reporter in a thick, yellow glow.

'So, Shoto -.' The reporter is barely through her first question when Shoto dips into the pocket of his hero suit and removes his phone. She frowns at him, glancing to the device in his hand before desperately trying to win back his attention. She fails.

Todoroki types something out, blinks twice, then looks directly down the camera lens and smiles. His mouth stretches, teeth bared, but the expression doesn't reach his eyes.

'Uhm.' The reporter lays a hand on his shoulder. 'Are you - are you okay?'

'Midoriya, uhm, Pro-Hero Deku, just informed me that I should try to smile.'

Bakugo loses it. A laugh rumbles through his chest, making his whole body shake as he grips his sides. 'He's a fucking train wreck.'

'Is he gonna blink?' Kirishima winces. 'It's freaking me out.'

On the screen, Todoroki's phone buzzes in his hand breaking his focus on the camera. He looks down, presumably to check Midoriya's newest message and taps out another response. 'I've just been informed that I was smiling too much.'

'Right...' Forcing a smile to her lips, the reporter grimaces before attempting to restart the interview.

Rocking his head onto the back of the couch, Kirishima turns towards Bakugo. 'So, remember that date I went on last week.'

Bakugo rolls his eyes. 'I don't give a fuck about your love life.'

'Yeah.' Kirishima grins, sharp teeth shining. 'About that... I might have invited him over, to you know...'

Hauling in a breath, Bakugo licks his teeth. 'What night? I'll take a night shift.'


Head snapping sideways, Bakugo glares at his room-mate.

'He's kind of coming over tonight.'

'It's my night off.'

'It was the only night he was free and I - I really like this one, dude. Like, really like him.'

Bakugo pushes himself to his feet and bites his tongue. 'Yeah, like I haven't fucking heard that before.'

'He's different. He's nice.'

Making a show of retching, Bakugo slinks off towards his bedroom. 'I'll be out by eight and don't...' He points a finger at Kirishima's chest, narrowing his eyes. '... Fucking bang him on the sofa. If I find jizz anywhere, I'll have you.'

Kirishima holds his hands up. 'That was one time, dude.'

'It was Twice.'

A gentle blush coats Kirishima's cheeks. 'Where you gonna go?'

Bakugo sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. Fucks knows. 'If I have to listen to Sparky whine about how single he is, I think I'll stick a fork in an outlet.'

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