Aftermath of a Nightmare

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 (Yandere BakugouxReader)
A/N: I couldn't think of any ideas for a "Bakugou x Innocent Reader" so I hope this makes up for it! It's not smutty at all, Just a cute little story :)

           Bakugou was standing over your mutilated body, frozen in shock. He could hardly remember what had happened; the only thing that mattered now was you. Dropping to his knees, he crawled to your side. Your skin was speckled with bruises and painted with blood. Gently, he brought you into his arms and held you against himself. Despite his best efforts, tears began to gather in his eyes.

"(Y/N)," he growled, "you're gonna be okay. I'm here now." You didn't respond, and Bakugou was struck by another wave of panic. "Damn it, say something." Still, you said nothing.

Desperately, Bakugou fumbled for your wrist, searching for a pulse. He grasped it with almost bruising force, but didn't feel anything. Only then did he realize just how cold your body was growing.

"No," he whispered, burying his face in your hair. This was everything that he promised to keep you safe from, the threat that you had yet to understand, but Bakugou had failed you.

"No!" he demanded, not entirely sure who he was demanding to. When nothing changed, Bakugou simply clung to your body more tightly. His breaths were being strangled in his throat, and he distantly he could feel his body shaking with the force of one of his explosions. He couldn't see anything, nothing but your broken body. He-

He opened his eyes.

Bakugou vaulted up, afraid and confused. Heart thundering in his chest, he took in his dark surroundings. Far too slowly, his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and he recognized his bedroom. Once he figured out where he was, he turned his head and saw you gazing up at him with a timid sort of fear. But rather than taking comfort at the sight of you, the image of you so desperately hurt overtook him once again. The fear rushed through his body, crowding out the air in his lungs. Soon, he was trying to choke down air, which only resulted in his panic growing. But suddenly, he felt a warm hand reach out and place itself on his shoulder.

"It's okay," you said softly. "It was just a bad dream." Cautiously, you laid your other hand on Bakugou's back and began to rub it with soothing circles. After a moment, you felt a bit of the tension leave his body.

"It seemed so real," he muttered, half in anger and half in continuing terror. He moved away from you stiffly, uncomfortable with this show of weakness. You reached out to him again, taking his hand in yours.

"Do-do you want to talk about it?" Bakugou considered your question, unsure of how he should answer. Even with you, he hated being vulnerable. But on the other hand, you had never been this gentle with him before. Hell, you had never even touched him of your own volition before. He had waited so long for a moment like this, for you to finally move past your fear and apprehension, so he wasn't about to ruin it by being stubborn.

"It was you," he began, watching your face carefully. "Someone or something had hurt you, and you were covered in all of these bruises, and, fuck, there was so much blood. I tried to save you, but I was too late."

"I'm right here," you reminded him quietly. You weren't entirely sure why you were even bothering to comfort Bakugou, but you still couldn't stop yourself from doing so. Never before had you seen him so afraid, so vulnerable, so human.

"Damn it, I thought I was done with these," Bakugou snarled to himself.

"You mean, you've had this nightmare before?" Nodding, Bakugou turned himself towards you.

"I used to have it every night," he confessed. "Every night, until I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't handle the thought of you being scared, or alone, or hurt, not when I could do something to keep you safe. I know, it probably sounds stupid, but I just couldn't take that risk, not in the world we live in."

You simply stared at Bakugou in response, unseated by this new information. Did this change anything? Somewhere within you, you realized that it did. Bakugou had told you that he loved you many times before, but this was the first time that you could actually catch a glimpse of it. Despite everything, you felt less afraid of him now. Your thoughts were interrupted, however, when Bakugou suddenly gathered you in his arms. You could still feel the occasional tremor snake through his body, so you let yourself wrap your arms around him and held him tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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