~On A Summer Night~

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Incubus Hawks x Reader


You couldn't quite remember, but you were absolutely certain that you saw a pair of molten golden eyes peering back at you in your small garden of fruit trees and bird feeders.

The memory was foggy and distant, but you were sure that an ethereally beautiful man with golden eyes, equally golden hair, and wings of scarlet smiled at you. You remember having your breath taken away from you.

After all, how could a man as beautiful as he ever glance in your direction?

Since then, you felt a sort of presence always with you.

A warm embrace, lingering touches, a stroke down your cheek, a brush against your forehead.

You didn't know what it was, but the small touches were comforting to you in your lonely existence.

Your home, though small and cozy, often felt large and empty before you saw the golden-eyed man, but comfort seemed to have settled in after that fateful meeting.

You were an artist of sorts, and countless times you have tried to capture how this man looked like, but you could never get his features right. In your memory, he was but a blur of gold with sharp, unwavering eyes.

Since that summer night, you would often talk aloud in the quiet of your home if the loneliness became too much. You desperately wanted the presence to know that you knew he was there.

Maybe out of wanting to acknowledge his existence.

Maybe to find companionship in your loneliness.

You would ramble on, not caring in the slightest if what you were saying didn't make any sense or if you were crazy.

You just wanted to see him again.

Keigo Takami silently floated beside you, curiously watching as you cooked your dinner, nodding and commenting every so often—even if you couldn't hear him—when you would speak.

The incubus had grown attached to you ever since that night in the garden.

He had only been there to admire the several bird feeders and bird boxes you had in your small garden when you had stepped outside and made eye contact with him.

The way you let out a small gasp, your eyes dilating sightly, and a blush gently riding up your face. He relished your reaction to him.

Amused, the incubus decided to watch you.

What he didn't expect was to fall in love with you.

You, the quiet little dove who would speak to him about your musings. The quiet little dove who would let out soft sighs every time he would touch you or gasp when he could brush lingering kisses against your forehead and cheeks.

You were so small and innocent in comparison to him, a demon of carnal desire. Just the thought of you alone drove him crazy, but he never once tried to satiate his needs with you.

To him, you were a bring of purity that needed to be protected.

"You're being haunted, you know?"

Somewhere in the background, Keigo rolled his eyes.

You smiled fondly as you poured your friend, Fumikage, some more tea. "You don't say. He doesn't seem to be mean, though."

Fumikage frowned. "He may not be, but he is of the... unsavory sort..."

You simply munched on your sandwich as you nodded dismissively. "Even if that's the case, he's been around for quite a while not, and he hasn't done anything to me. I can feel that he's very sweet too... I trust him."

The young man sighed. "Whatever you say. But, as soon as you feel something off or bad, come to me immediately."

"That's very kind of you, Fumi. While I don't think I'll need your help with him, I'll keep your words in mind."

"... He says his name is Keigo. Keigo Takami."

You smiled again, gently testing out the name. "Keigo, huh?"

Keigo felt his wings quiver in pleasure upon hearing you utter his name.

It was true that knowing the true name of another meant that you held power over them, but the way you said his name sent the scarlet-winged incubus reeling.

So innocent, the way you sounded out the vowels of his first name, and yet it had such a powerful pull on him.

Keigo had yet to even utter your own name despite having known it for a long while now. He knew the moment he did, you'd be ruined by him forever, and the incubus was intent on keeping you pretty and pure for a while longer.

A few days had passed since your friend visited, but ever since learning the name of the presence, you felt that you could perceive him better.

Every so often, you'd see glimpses of scarlet feathers fluttering around or brilliant, red wings just at your periphery. Even the touches had more weight to them.

You smiled every time you uttered the incubus's name—Fumikage told you exactly what the presence was. You found that you really liked saying his name, and you were sure he also did as you would feel a gentle brush against your forehead.

Your drawings of him were getting better also, and you were excited to finally capture the memory you saw that summer night.

Keigo silently watched over you as you slept peacefully in your bed. The nights were now getting longer and colder, and long past was the summer night you first saw him.

Despite that, an odd, tender warmth grew in the incubus every time he looked at you. It was a strange thing for him to feel considering the kind of being he was, but it was a most welcome feeling to him.

The red-winged incubus often heard stories of demons such as himself taking on humans as mates or even lovers. It was a very rare situation, and Keigo had initially readily written it off as—ironically enough—a fairy tale. And yet, here he was, in love with a human.

His little dove of a human.

You began to stir a little bit, catching the attention of the incubus. Under your breath, you gently moaned out his name.

Desire flashed through the incubus, impure thoughts filling him as he drew closer to take in the smell of your arousal. His golden eyes gazed hungrily over your form, taking delight in the blush spread prettily across your cheeks and the way your chest heaved up and down with soft moans and pants.

"Soon..." Keigo growled lowly, placing a possessive kiss across your lips, drinking in your moans. "Soon, you'll be mine."

The incubus would bide his time until the perfect moment to make you his mate and lover.

                                        >No smut this time, but its coming!< 

Anime Lemons & OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora