Church 1

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Pre Author Note

Enjoy the chapter!


I announced that we had wiped out the enemy, and thus the festivities began. We danced, we sang and feasted from dusk till dawn. The humans were irritated in the beginning, but the merry mood was so great, that even they had joined our party.

I was also relaxed due to the festivities, but there were still a lot of things to be done. When the party was dying down, I summoned the key figures of the tribe and Clara to discuss the oncoming events.

"Clara, I remember you mentioned something about Court Mages, Nobles and war? Could you clarify? Were those explosions and huge torrents caused by mages?" I asked, the other looked towards Clara with curiosity. She was sitting cross-legged since the ceiling was too low for her to sit up straight.

"I suppose goblins wouldn't know much of human affairs." She took a hefty swing of some Supple Springer wine and wiped the droplets from the mouth. "To summarise, nobles hire court mages to keep other nobles and court mages in check. If a noble doesn't have one, an enemy mage would decimate their armies. So as tradition, mages fight each other to a standstill, then the nobles send in their armies to do the dirty work."

Since the others did not know the human language, I translated all her words. "I see, but who could hire a mage with that power we saw?" Voglo stroked his beard. I translated the question back.

Clara shrugged her shoulders. "A mage on that level is an Earl or King tier. I don't know too many details."

"What about the baron? What about the war?" Zotnik asked impatiently.

Clara scratched her head and took another shot of her wine. "Judging by the destruction, it must be a war between big figures. Duchies, kingdoms, or even some of the churches. Regardless, the baron is going to want to muster his forces and claim that alchemy crop we were meant to be farming."

I leaned back into my rock throne and rubbed my temples. "Right, that's why you came to us, you've been too busy with trading to do any farming. And the baron is not going to be happy with you."

Clara blew a tuft of her curly red hair from her face and gave a cheeky grin. "Bingo."

I sighed and dismissed everyone. It was useless to keep talking with a drunk and we couldn't expect what would happen anyway. I needed to start training myself if I had any hope of fighting a court mage, even one at a baron's level.

Olma came up to me and tugged my shirt. "Lord, have you started preparing for the Exchange Ceremony?"

I raised my eyebrow. "No, I don't ever recall ever hearing of such a thing."

She smirked. "That's right, it's a good thing I informed you. Let me give you a summary."

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