No Sleep (Kiribaku)

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Bakugo's P.O.V

   My thoughts run wild as I closed my eyes. I sweat under my covers as thoughts get louder. Past mistakes, past relationships,  past encounters and things I've said keep pounding into my thoughts. I open my eyes knowing I can't sleep and suddenly my breathing gets rough and my eyes run with tears. I hate myself and what I've done, I wish I can change but I never can. I am a monster that never thinks before acting or saying.  I am a coward chained up by emotions I don't fully understand and fears I almost never thought of. How does Kirishima like me ? Isn't he fed up with me? When we have talks he always says the same thing. I can never change. No matter how hard I try I don't.

The door opens and I looked over. Kirishima  walks in and closed the door. "Having trouble sleeping?" He asked walking closer. I turn and ignore him. "Having...bad anxiety?" He asked. I nod. He gets under the covers and hugs me tightly.  "There's no need to worry over nothing,  you're different from yesterday and today is a new you. Past mistakes were past mistakes,  the future is bright with new beginnings" said Kirishima kissing my head. "The only thing you need to know and hold on to is that...I love you" he said smiling at me. I siged and wipe my eyes. "Thanks" I said. "No problem my dear, now get some sleep " he said yawning. 

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