What Happened To Natsu?

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This is a short that goes with Familiar Sounds and starts off after Natsu disapeared. My friends all asked me what happened to him so here is is. Enjoy.

Natsu looked back at the chaos. He was given a second chance with his father, but it didn't feel right with him. Sure there was no doubt it was him but it wasn't at the same time. He was different in many ways not just because he was a fox now. Natsu shakes his head and keeps walking. Natsu has been through a lot. His twin sister being killed, his nephew and niece jumping off that clif after she died. Natsu has been through a lot of hardships and the one that haunted him the most was killing his father. He didn't really kill him but he was his cause of death. Natsu punched a tree, trying to calm down. Natsu was tough and strong. He held in a lot of his feeling and fears.

Natsu didn't know what to do now, he was used to being muscle for that old Oni. Natsu looked down at his club, his father's club. Natsu sighed and continued to walk deeper into the woods, no destination in mind. Natsu mindless walked until his ears shot up at a noise. A woman screaming for help. Natsu ran twords the call for help. A woman with long black hair, pale blue eyes, wore a red dress and was being pinned by a demon. It was a wolf demon. "Oi let her go out" Natsu yelled. The demon turned back to him. "Get lost  freak, this is none of your business" he said turing back to the woman. She screams as he leans down to bite her neck. Natsu charged at him and used his club to hit the demon off her. He goes flying.

She quickly gets up and clings to Natsu. "Are you okay?" He asked her. She just cries. The demon gets up and runs his side. He snarls and howls. Four howls are heard near by. He had a pack. Natsu noticed multiple men dead on the ground. They wore nice armor and had expensive looking swords. Natsu looked back at the woman and noticed she was dressed in expensive clothes. "That's my princess freak! Get your own!" He yelled before charging at him. Natsu blocked his attacks with his club and looked back to see the woman running. "Get her boys!" Howls the demon. A pack of four wolves run past them. Natsu glares at the demon and used his strength to push him back. He quickly swings his club and knocks out the demon.

He quickly runs after the woman who was being chased. He caught up with them. The pack had her pinned. She was climbing a tree as they snap at her. Natsu charged and started to sing at them. Once they were taken care of he looked up. The woman was beautiful, her pale skin had peach colored lips and soft round eyes. She looks down at him. "Is..it safe?" She asked in a trembling voice. "Yes" And d Natsu. She climbed down and stood in front of him. She was a head and a half shorter than Natsu. Her red and gold dress was torn a little. Her long black hair was like ink as it spreads past her shoulders. She studied him with her pale blue eyes. "Thank you for your help. Uh..am Princess Kagomay" she said with a bow. Natsu blushed and bows back. "Kirishima Natsu" Said Natsu. She smiled at him.

Natsu helps her back to her home and during that two week journey they got closer. Natsu pulls up his hood as they entered the large village or town. The people bow as they walked up the path to the palace. The guards opened the large doors for her and she walked in. Natsu steps to follow but they black him with swords. "It's alright, he saved my life. He's a friend" she said looking back. They let him go through. She walked up to her parents and hugs them. As she tells them of her journey Natsu noticed the king glaring at him. Did she tell him he's some kind of freak demon highbred?

After she changed and they ate she took him outside. The night sky was beautiful with the full moon and the shining stars. "My parents are very greatful and want to give you a metal or a gift" she said smiling at him. Natsu looked at her. Her pale skin glows in the moon light and the stars shine in her pale blue eyes. "A gift huh?" Asked Natsu smirking. She smiled wide and nods. "I even offered me..as your gift" she said leaning forward. He smiled and leans down. They kiss and when they break apart she blushed. "Hmm I might just have to say yes to that gift" he said smiling. She smiled back and they kiss again.

Before they said anything about those new relationship or that Natsu wanted her hand in marriage for his gift, they had one issue to take care of. Natsu knew a witch who specializes in cosmetic magic. She could help him look human. Natsu set off on his journey to find her. It took days before he even got a clue of where she could be. Then he found her, she was helping an older couple. She saved their grand kid from a flew. "Hello Natsu" she said smiling at him. Her brown hair and eyes pop against her pink dress. "I need to cash in that favor" he said serious. "Oh okay, finally get rid of that old man?" She asked. "No need hes dead" he said looking at her. She looks at him with wide eyes. "Really?" She asked. He nods. "ok...well congratulations on freedom my friend, what can I get ya?" She asked.

Once Natsu got his ring, to hide his demon like features he quickly made his way back to his love. Once he returned they announced their relationship and proposal. Her father was not happy at first but grew to like Natsu as time went by. Her mother loved him to dealth and always called him son. Once they got married, Natsu took over as king. He ruled with smarts and power. They had four kids soon after. Three boys and one girl. The oldest boy was named Kirishima Natsu, after his father. The girl was named Kirishima Yuki, named after her Aunt. The second oldest boy was named Kirishima Katsuki, after his father and the youngest was named Kirishima Eijiro after his other father. His wife loved the names and the love behind them. They were both a little surprised when none of the kids showed any demon features. But Natsu loved his family and wife with all of his heart. They grew old together and dead peacefully together.

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