What If He Was Gay?

864 30 20

Mina screams at her laptop as the two main dudes kiss. He jumped up and down her bed, her laptop bounced. "Ahh yeas boi you slay..eat those tasty lips!" Yelled Mina excitedly. Mina heard her alarm go off. Oops she had spent the entire night watching gay drama shows again. Mina dismissed her alarm on her phone. "Sleep is for the weak" she said stretching. He puts her laptop on her pink desk and gets ready for school. He grabs her bag after getting into her uniform. She skips down the hall and to the elevator. She smiled as he hits the common floor's button.

Mina was greeted by her squad Denki, Sero, Kiri and Bakugo. She walked to breakfast with them and her little head started up some fantasy. She looks at Kiri and Bakugo as they talked about what sauce is good on a breakfast sandwich. She wondered what would happen if Bakugo was gay. Would he be like this....
Bakugo had long blonde hair that was blowing back due to the wind. He had no shirt and he was looking away dramatically while bitting his bottom lip. Kirishima had no shit as well and he had his red hair down. He was on his knees begging for Bakugo to love him.

"Oi Pinky quit spacing out!" Yelled Bakugo. Mina shakes her head as her fantasy crumbles away. "Haha sorry" she said smiling. They shake their heads and continue with what they were doing before. Mina eats her sandwich and looked at Denki. He was laughing with Sero about some meme on his phone. Mina started to wonder again. What would he be like if he was gay?
Denki had his hair pulled back into a low ponytail. He was dressed like a prince. He shouts at bandits who stole his love. Sero was fighting against their grasp. Wearing lose prince clothes. Sero had long hair that bounced loose around his shoulders. "I'm hand my-

"Hey Mina? Are you okay" asked Denki waving a hand infront of her face. She blinks away her fantasy. "Yep, didn't get much sleep is all" she said smiling wide. They all roll their eyes and make their way to class. Mina chats with Denki and Sero as Kiri yelled at Bakugo about Manliness. They walked into the classroom and Mina sat down at her desk. Midoriya and Todoroki walk in smiling. Mina wonders of they were gay and in a relationship. What would that be like...
Todoroki was dressed like a prince as he sits on a towers edge. A dragon with a beard of fire circles the tower. Below a small knight, Midoriya was ready to rescue his love. Midoriya charged in and fought the dragon. "You leave him alone Endever!" He yelled.

"Mina hey you okay?" Asked Midoriya. She shakes her head. "Yeah am fine" she said smiling. It's fun to imagine her friends gay and in love. Also fantasy Bakugo can slay..what a queen. Mina laughed to her self and was ready for a day of learning. Hero training and scary tests come at me! This girl is ready for anything!

Twelve AM Shit Post {BNHA Gay Ships}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz