Bitches Get Stiches {Bakushima}

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Bakugo sighed softly as he stared at his majestic boyfriend who was poking a bug with a stick. Kirishima squats down and pokes the half dead bug. "Kami I think you killed him" said Kirishima looking up at the half short circuit blonde. "I didn't mean toooooooo! Sero and Ashido jumped me" he whines. Bakugo walked up to them. "Let's get going fuck face. They've probably already set up camp" said Bakugo glaring at Kaminari. Kirishima tossed the stick and stood up. As Kaminari walked away Bakugo slaps Kirishima's ass playfully."Hey?!" Said Kirishima."What? You had dirt" said Bakugo smirking.

The three boys made it to the camp site. Class 1-A was campping out with Class 1-B and Bakugo hates this idea. The school felt the tension between the two classes and thought this was a good way to settle it. Become good friends and bond. Bakugo spat at the ground as if it offended him. "Hey there you guys are. There's a shortage of tents so two of you guys have to share a tent" said Mina running up to the three boys. Kaminari looks at Kirishima and opened his mouth. Bakugo quickly grabs Kirishima's hand and pulls him away from them. "Guess there partnered up" said Kaminari with a confused expression.

As the two boys sat up their tent a bug seemed to fly over. "Oh what's this? Two male students sharing a tent" said the annoying blonde kid from the other class. You know the one. "Fuck off pea brain" said Bakugo glaring back at him as he stuck a spike in the ground. "Oh? Why am I exposing you two GAY love bids?" He said annoyingly. Bakugo glares at him. "You know what the woods are good for fuck munch?! Killing and hiding the body!" Yelled Bakugo pissed as he stood. Kirishima held him back with two hardened arms. "Oh? Killing? You're not a friendly little GAY fairy are you?" He said looking at them annoyingly. "Cut it off" said the red headed girl pulling him away by his ear. Bakugo was dead set on killing him one day.

The night settled in and everyone went to their tents. Bakugo curled up next to Kirishima in their joined sleeping bag. Kirishima blushed as Bakugo kissed up his arm. He licks and then bites at Kirishima's neck. "Kat we shouldn't..they could hear us" said Kirishima holding back a few moans. "Mph..fine. I gotta take a piss anyway" said Bakugo. He got out and walked into the night. He walked into the woods as Kirishima calmed himself. Kirishima played with his phone for awhile and wondered why it was taking him so long.

A scream woke everyone up. Kirishima jumps and tossed his phone. He walked out and followed everyone. It was that redhead girl. She was crying and pointing to the tent. Present Mic unzipped the tent and everyone gasped at the sight. Blood everywhere and a magled corpse that once was ...that annoying blonde from this afternoon. Everyone started to panic and worry as the teachers tired to calm them. Kirishima worried for Bakugo. He hasn't come back yet what if they got him too? Suddenly a noise from the bushes quiets everyone. Everyone was on edge and jumped when someone walked out. It was Bakugo.

Everyone points a finger at Bakugo and the teachers tie his hands to question him. "The fuck!? What's going on why the fuck are you tieing me to a tree!!!" Yelled Bakugo. Kirishima was worried for him. "Bakugo where were you?" Asked All Might. Bakugo looks at them then at Kirishima. "Taking a piss. I walked off and came to see what the screams we're about" said Bakugo. They all looked at each other. "Kirishima you were sleeping with him is this true?" Said Kaminari. Kirishima blushed at the wording. "Huh yeah..he walked out to take a leak" said Kirishima. Bakugo nods. "But..Kacchan was mad at him..and threatened him before all this" Whispered Deku. Everyone stared at him then at Bakugo. "Bitches Get Stiches" said Mina. Everyone looks at her. "What it's a saying? Haven't you people heard about it?" She said looking back at everyone.

Time went by and they were getting no where with this investigation. Suddenly a scream jumps everyone. This time it was  Momo. Everyone rushed over and saw a bloody body that once was Min..min..fuck how do you spell that? Fuck whatever it was grape boy. The teachers untied Bakugo, he was now obviously not the killer. Everyone started to point fingers at each other in panic. Kirishima was scared now and holds onto Bakugo. He no longer cared about their secret relationship he was worried about living another day. Bakugo noticed someone was missing amoungst the chaos.

Another body was found, it was another Class 1-B student. Bakugo glares at Iida as he talked to the teachers about some possible suspects. Kirishima shivers as he clung to Bakugo. He was scared but also cold. "Hey babe why don't we go to our tent and warm up" said Bakugo. Kirishima nods. They walked off from everyone and back to their tent. "God your cold" said Bakugo wrapping Kirishima up in blankets. Kirishima smiled as he shivered. "Oi listen..I think I know who it is" said Bakugo. Kirishima looks at him. "Who?" He asked. "Glasses..he must've finally snapped. He seems to be going for the misbehaved or bad students" said Bakugo. Kirishima felt uneasy with wear this was going. "Am going to bait myself and you tell everyone. Here take a video" said Bakugo handing Kirishima his phone.

Bakugo stood in the forest looking like he was taking a uh..piss. The soft sound of engine legs was heard. Bakugo smirked as he zips up his pants. "Hello Four eyes" said Bakugo turning to look at Iida. Iida stood still wide eyes. He suddenly grabbed a blade and charged forward. Bakugo dodged and trips Iida. Iida falls and the blade is then .. stabed into his chest. Iida dies seconds after hitting the ground. Oh snap. Kirishima walked out from where he was holding. He runs up to Bakugo and kissed him on the cheek. He glares down at Iida's dead body. "Bitches get stitches" said Kirishima as Bakugo smirks.

Kirishima's eyes jump opened and he sat up. He was soaked in a cold sweat. "Hmm..babe what's wrong?" Asked Bakugo waking up. Kirishima sighed. "Just a .. nightmare about the trip" said Kirishima looking away. "Again?" Asked Bakugo. He nods. "For the last time..stop watching horror movie especially the camping ones" said Bakugo. Later that morning Kirishima watched as Sero and Mina scare Kaminari who shocked a bug. "Is it me or it this.. deja vu?" Said Kirishima squatting down to poke the bug with a stick.

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