unfinished draft #3 (kiribaku)

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Everyone dreams of making it big and making a lot of money. People who get there are seen as celebrities and the lucky few. Well I hate to say it but their idiots. This dream or reality is not what it's cracked up to be, it's boring and uneventful. Sure you have more money than you can ever spend but is it worth kissing everyone's ass for? Hell no, it's boring and nothing changes. I could tell you my whole years plan, hell my life plan. It's all the same thing. Oh didn't I mention am on of the biggest idiots? Am Bakugo Katsuki, you might've heard me from many action movies or famous magazines. Yeah am a pretty big deal I guess.

I bite my lip and looked around. I sat in a Italian custom suit waiting in the hall for my manager. The black and dark sober roses on the dark suit shine in the lighting. Part of my bangs were slicked back. I tap my foot as I sit there waiting. I look at my wrist, a gold watch that read the time. I sighed. This life is boring bit so many want it. I would love to trade lives with anyone, especially a hero's. They live a life full of action and the days are never the same thing. I sighed and looked down at my hands. I even have a good quirk to be a hero. If it wasn't for my..anger and parents I could've been a hero. After that sludge monster bull shit my parents smothered  me. They forced me into modeling and from there acting. My phone rings, speaking of over protective parents.

"Hello?" I answered. "Am still in the meeting so go ahead and get to the party without me" said my manager. I sighed he's always in his meetings. "Alright" I said standing up. "Remember not to do anything stupid until I get there okay? Good bye" he said hanging up. I roll my eyes and pocket my phone. I walked out of the agency and into the waiting limo. I sit down and the driver drives off. I play on my phone and sip a glass of champagne. Suddenly the driver slams on the breaks. I spill the champagne and drop my phone. That fucker! "Oi!" I yelled. Then I heard screams and explosions. Is there a villian attack?!

I jumped out of the car as the driver shouted for me to stay. I saw a few cars fly and a large villian yelling at someone. I couldn't see them so I ran to get a better view. This beats a boring party any day. I ran up close and ducked beside a flipped car. It was a redhead. He was in hero gear and by the looks his quirk was harding. I smirk as I watch the hero and villian spit words at each other. The redhead smiles and shows off his sharp teeth. "Let's go! Am taking you to jail bro!" He yelled as he fists his fists together. I roll my eyes at the line. As the started to get into it, I noticed a second villian. Red can't see him!

My body moved before my mouth did. "Watch out! Above!" I yelled as I flew through the air and punched the villian hiding above Red. I heard a gasp from below as I blew up the villian. He was out cold. Huh, this was easier than I thought. But fun. I smirk and looked down below as Red struggled with the larger villian. His quirk must take a lot of stamina, he doesn't look too good. I jump down and position myself. Once the redhead was clear I flew forward and blast the villian back into a wall. I quickly dodge him and blast his head. He knocks back and stumbled. I blast again and he was knocked out. I smirk down at him.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back. It was Red. He huffs out a thanks. "Tch" I clicked my tounge and looked away. He chuckled and turned to his com. "Two villians west side of the iner city" said Red. "Yeah...sector twelve. Hmmm ..I did have help from ...yeah..I know" he said frowning. "Yeah..well am sure I don't need his ID. It's Bakugo Katsuki" said Red. He pulled out his com as a woman screams in it. Once it stops he puts it back in. "Yeah yeah sure...if he wants to. Yep bye" he said with a sigh. I rolled my eyes and turned to leave. "Hey wait. My friend wants an autograph and we'll I want to thank you for your help" he said smiling. I sighed and pull a pen and pan out from my side jacket pocket. I sighed the paper and ripped it off. I hand it to him. "Oh thanks. Uh here" he said taking my pen. He writes down his number then his Hero name. "Call me, I owe you a drink" he winks before walking away. What the fuck?

I sat down in my hotel and stare at my note pad. 'RedRiot' and then a number above. I grab my phone from my pocket and search his name. Red Riot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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