Beautiful Flowers Wilt

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This is a short story focused on Yuki. It takes place after Kirishima dies in front of them in the first book. I did Natsu's what happened after so it's only right to do the other kiddos story. That and someone requested it ( ╹▽╹ ) russianqueen38. I love requests, so if you have one please let me know owo.

I remember that horrible experience, blood pouring out like an endless crimson river. The warm smile and closed eyes of a soul passing on. My Dad, Kirishima Eijiro was a brave man. He loved us and protected us. He died a hero and he lives on as one. It was hard at first, getting used to him being gone. Papa would sit on the porch for hours starting off into the distance like he was waiting for Dad to walk back home. It was hard looking out ever morning or evening to see him waiting. My twin brother, Natsu didn't take it well either. He was torn between guilt and sadness that he would lock him self in his room for hours. I didn't take well to it neither, I bottled my emotions and kept going on.

After a few years my brother decided to move out and go about his own life. I stayed nearby and kept an eye on Papa. Things started to drift into a more happy stage again once I found my mate. A tall gray kitsune who saved my life. At first I paid him no mind but then I noticed his looks and charms. I couldn't help but fall for him. His gold eyes just shine in the moon light and his smile makes me feel as ease. He was strong and willing to do anything for me. Papa didn't like him at first, said I could do better. But once he got used to him being around he was less aggressive. It was almost comical.

My bother made his way back to us once my kids were born and full of life. Though not too long after that ...Fumiko died. His once full of life self grew sick and slow. He died in his sleep peacefully after months of suffering. I kept saying he was poisoned but Papa always shook his head. It was another harsh period in my life, raising three kids with no mate. I know that Papa is strong both body and in mind. It took time to finally smile again.

I  sighed and looked back at my kids playing with Papa. I smiled and looked down at my words. A journal is hard to peace together, I have no idea how Natsu could write them so well. I closed the book and got up from the desk. My long pink hair was in a long braid that went down past my lower back. My four tails shift as I walk. My blue and white kimono clings in some places as I make my way to the door. I walked outside with the sound of the creaking door as the wind blew in the last scent of fall. Winter was coming and the chill in the air helped me remember.

I smile as my son, Ki tackled Papa. "I got you now!" He yelled. His pale silver tails were pooffed out. Papa laughed as he fell down willingly.  My two daughters giggle as they jump onto Papa. "Hey be careful" I said giggling. My bangs blow with the wind, exposing my crimson eyes. They all get off Papa who starts to chase after them. "Get back here" he yelled smiling. "Hey.." said brother walking up. His blonde hair was longer and tied back. His face was cut up and his crimson eyes were filled with worry. He looked like Dad but with Papa's hair and eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked down at the ground then back up at me. "We have a problem" he says leading me away from the laughter.

He leads me to a hill and sits down. I sit down on a fallen log. "Exorsits are coming near the edge of the river" he said with a sigh. I looked down as snow started to fall. "I figured they would sniff us out" I said as my brother looked over at me. "You want me to take-" "No" I said glaring at him. He flinched with his eyes wide. "...sorry. no am tired of running around and hiding. They're never going to stop until we're all dead" I said as the snow fall thickens. "Hmm it's okay...but yeah I agree" he said standing up. I stood up and we froze as screams filled the air. My kids were in danger.

I ran beside my brother at full speed but when we got there I almost collapsed at the sight. A familiar crimson river pouring out of a loved one. "Papa..." I whisper. He was in a kneeling position with my three kids in his arms. "Get..them..out of" he whispered. I felt tears fall. I smelled a monster before I heard him. "Yu!" Yelled my bother. I dodged a large metal shard. It was a spiked lizard. I hug Papa and take my kids with brother right behind me. I ran as fast as I could with them in my arms. Tears kept falling just like the snow.

Weeks past since then but it still felt like yesterday. I get up and put on my robes. "Yu..I can-" "No it's fine. It's my turn to watch" I said looking over at my brother who was standing by the front door. He sighed and with a nod went in the room for some sleep. The snow outside was fresh. Small slivers of grass poked out in random spots. The breeze was lazy but cold. I let my hair blow with the breeze as I walk. I sniff the air occasionally and let my mind slip into endless thoughts. None were good and they always make me feel more off. A loud noise up ahead has my ears purk up with alertness.

I come to a stop and sniff the air. I smell nothing. I duck down low and listen again. Foot steps in the distance. Mostly likely exorsits. The breeze picks up into a harsh wind. I sneak my way up a hill to see who they were. I look down into the snowy valley. A couple of deer dig into the snow with their noses. I sighed and looked at them with a smirk. They are lucky. Suddenly a sharp pain shoots through my shoulder. I let my guard down. My blood splashed out onto the snow and I grunt in pain. I grab onto the arrow and pull it out. I whimper at the pain.

I jump down the hill as more arrows fly.  The deer were long gone, leaving only their fresh trail in the snow. I growl and felt another arrow in my hip. I jump onto a hidden exorsits with a bow. He yells as I bite down on his throat. I transform and toss his lifeless body away. "Aw look at the light pink coat. She's like a cherry blossom in winter, a rare sight" said one aiming at me. I dodged and jump at him. He brings his bow up in time to shove and block my mouth. "And just like one..she's going to wilt away" he grunts as he pushed me off. I noticed four groups surrounding me. Bows, staff, swords and axes in hand. The guy smiled at me as he aims his bow. I growl at him. Am not losing anymore family and am not running from these bastards!

I dodged arrows as I bite and slash into men. I managed to get half of them until I started to feel my adrenaline slow down. Arrows littered my back, gashes and brushes mark up my body. I leave a bloody trail as I run at more of them. I roared and used my magic to get the rest. Just as I kill the last one I felt weak. I collapse and looked up at the snow that falls slowly. Is this what it felt like? Is this the pain my father's took on to protect us? I looked at all the blood and bodies then close my eyes. Will my sacrifice be enough to protect them? Or will more die in this never ending world of war. I opened my eyes as my body failed me. A small link flower was wilting in the distance. The light hit it as the snow stops. A beautiful thing to see in such moments. I smile as the flower falls over.

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