Worried {Kiribaku}

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It was a topical Friday morning on campus. Kirishima smiled as Kaminari and Sero made jokes about memes. Mina smiled down at her phone and looked over at Kirishima. "My special source tells me your wrong" said Mina with a smirk. "Huh?" Said Kirishima looking at her. "About Bakugo, he totally likes you" said Mina with a wink. Kirishima turns red as they walked into the school. Mina kept going on about how cute of a couple they would be. Sero and Kaminari soon joined in. "Come on guys enou--ah oof" Kirishima trips on something left on the floor and plows someone over. Kirishima opened his eyes as he noticed his friends were dead silent. "Ah am so sorry- ah Bakugo" said Kirishima looking down at Bakugo.

Bakugo's face was red and so was Kirishima's as he noticed their position. Kirishima was on him with an arm on either side of his head. They were so close together. Kirishima jumps off him and helps him up. "Am so sorry Bak-" "Save it shitty hair" said Bakugo walking away. Kirishima watched him go into the classroom. "Huh I was expecting more explosions and Die from him" said Kaminari. Sero nods and Mina walked up to Kirishima. "Hey..you okay?" She asked. "No..he totally hates me. More now that I tripped on him" said Kirishima looking down. Mina frowns and shakes her head. "I still say he likes you, did you see him blush?" She said smiling. Sero looks at Kaminari who nods. "What?" Said Kirishima. "Just confess to him dummy" she said pushing him into the classroom.

During class Kirishima started to think about all of his interactions with Bakugo. All of Bakugo's reactions. H shakes his had. "No one would like someone as boring and weak as me" he whispered to himself. Kirishima laid his head down onto his desk, missing the lesson. The bell rang for the next class and everyone walked out. Kirishima lifts his head and gets up from his seat. "Fucks wrong with you?" Asked Bakugo walking out the classroom with Kirishima. "What? Oh nothing" he said blushing. Bakugo rolls his eyes.

Just as they were about to walk into the classroom Bakugo grabs him by the shirt. He slams Kirishima into the wall. "Fucking tell me. Drop the shit Kirishima, it pisses me off when you get like that. Fuck tell me!" Yelled Bakugo. Kirishima blushed. "I-i uh-" "Bakugo, Kirishima that's not school appropriate behavior!" Shouts Iida. Bakugo blushed and let's go of Kirishima. "Better fucking tell me later" he growls before heading inside. Kirishima stares at the classroom door.

Classes were boring and soon the bell rang for lunch. Kirishima walked out of the classroom but before he could meet up with his friends a hand grabs him. Bakugo grabs his arm and pulls him away. Kirishima frowns as Bakugo leads him to the roof. 'Today is the day, Bakugo is going to kill me' Kirishima nervously thought. Bakugo let's go and turns to him. Kirishima flinched ready to be thrown off. Or blasted off. "Tell me what's wrong! You better not be doing that depressed shit again! Your not weak or boring you shit!" Yelled Bakugo. Kirishima stares at him. Did Bakugo care about him...did..was Mina right? Dose Bakugo like him? With a new, small amount of courage Kirishima steps forward. "Bakugo...I..Like you" said Kirishima closing his eyes.

Suddenly something slams onto him. Kissing him? Kirishima opened his eyes wide. Bakugo grabbed his arms and was kissing him. Bakugo steps back. "About time you fucker" he said glaring at Kirishima. "What? Wait..you like me!? But...about time? You ..you knew!?" Said Kirishima. Bakugo smirks. "Just shut the fuck up and kiss me" he said leaning in. Kirishima smiled and kissed him. Bakugo likes him back. He shouldn't have been so afraid and just say it to him. He made the explosive boi worry about him.

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