Unfinished Draft #1 (kiribaku)

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Bakugo Katsuki is a prideful man, a confident man, a powerful man, a handsome man and the man..I have a crush on.  I looked over and saw Bakugo with no partners. I sighed knowing this was my chance. I walked over full of fake confidence with a wide smile. I played it cool and soon found myself partnered with him. My friends too but..I was partnered with him. I smile wider and lifted him on my back. Thank God for my quick. I had lots of explosions on me as we charged into battle.

I almost tuned everything out. Just the feel of Bakugo and his voice. Half the time I didn't know where we were going. I was so happy even if we got second instead of first, in my book I won. I tried to stay close to Bakugo afterwords during the rest of the festival. He made a vocal complaint but really did nothing to stop me. I smile wide as he lightly pushed my arm off his shoulder. He doesn't hate me that's a plus. When the festival was over and Bakugo was out of his .. restraints I talked to him for a while. He left after I mentioned the festival. He's very touchy about winning.

Since the festival I've slowly been getting closer to him. I can safely say we're friends, though he would never admit it. He stopped calling me shitty hair and calls me by name. I now can rest and arm on him or wrap a arm across his shoulders. We hang out and he even helps me with homework. I stare off into space thinking about it all. "-Of course I totally understand today's lesson" said Kaminari leaning on my desk. Mina rolls her eyes. "Hey Kiri do you?" Asked Mina. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uh?" I asked. Mina sighed. "What's with you? You feeling okay, you've been spacing out..for like what twenty minutes straight?" Said Mina. Sero nods. "Oh sorry..haha" I said scratching the back of my head.

The bell rang and they walked away to grab their bags. I got up and grab mine. I felt a tug and soon I found myself being pulled away. Bakugo glares at me as we stop infront of the doors. It was raining outside. "Listen..I always go hiking and shit ever break. Your the kind of muscle brain that likes hikes right? Come hike with me or whatever" said Bakugo looking away. My eyes widened. "What really!?" I asked. He glares at me. "Yes or no!" He yelled. I smile. "Yeah sure when and what time" I said cheerfully. Bakugo sighed. He grabs his phone from his pocket. "Here put your number in. I can text the shit to you later" said Bakugo handing it over. I smile and type in my info.

He takes it back and pockets it. We looked back outside at the rain. "Shity weather.. fuckin' changing" said Bakugo. I noticed he didn't have an umbrella. "Hey I have an umbrella, we could share" I said taking out my red umbrella, still rolled and closed. He looked at me then the umbrella. "Fine! It's better than getting soaked" he said glaring at the rain. I smile. We step out under the umbrella. The rain pours hard on the umbrella as we walked. I blush as I felt Bakugo's shoulder rub against mine. "Fuckin' cold too" mumbled Bakugo. It's official, I died and gone to heaven.

Kirishima pov

I walked up to Bakugo's door and knocked. My back pack was stuffed with snacks, water and other things. I had brown hiking boots, tan shorts and a red tank-top on. I also wore a black bandana keeping my bangs and sweat at bay. A woman that looked like Bakugo opened the door. She had the blonde explosive hair and fire red eyes. She wore a calm smile and was dressed very nice. She wore modern fashion that looked good on her figure. Bakugo did mention his parents were in the fashion biz. "Oh hello, you must be Kirishima. I am Bakugo Mitsuki" she said smiling. I smile back. "Yeah nice to meet you. Is Bakugo ready?" I asked. He nods. "Katsuki get your lazy ass down here! Kirishima is here!!" She yelled into the house. Woah..I see where he gets..his everything from.

After a lovely Mother and son spat fest we finally left. "Sorry about the old hag" said Bakugo as we walked. "Huh? Oh it's fine" I said looking at him. He had a white tank-top, dark green camo shorts and black hiking boots. His book bag looked like a hikers bag. He looks like a professional. We got on the bus and sat down next to each other. "What trail we going on?" I asked as the bus pulled away. "You'll see when we get there" he said looking out the window. I nod and looked around at everyone.

The bus stops and we got off. I looked at the mountain. It's so beautiful out. The wind blows at the long grass and the trees, making them say a bit. The warm breezy air was pleasant. The sky was blue with only a few white puffy clouds. I take a deep breath and closed my eyes.  I took in all the sounds of mother nature. "Oi..you coming or what?" Said Bakugo as he walked. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Ah yeah coming!" I said running up to him. After a few minutes of hiking the air got warmer and the breeze left. I sigh as sweat starts to form on my forehead.

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