Welcome to the family

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Elijah's POV:

        Since Jess was still part way human, she had to wait like every other woman. She had been here for about two hours now and she was in more pain than she was when we first got here. She had been hooked up to a machine to monitor our son's heart beat. The heart beat was strong, so I knew he was still alive.

" How are you feeling Jess?"

" I hurt Lijah..."

" I know baby I know."

" It is all worth it because our son will be here soon..."

" Yes he will baby. Try and rest. It may help."

She slowly closed her eyes and fell to sleep. I didn't dare leave her side while she was asleep. In case anything happened, I wanted to be there. While she was asleep, I compelled the nurse to let Niklaus in to come and see Jess.

" How long has she been asleep Elijah?"

" Just about half an hour. I wanted her to get some rest because I thought it would help with the pain. I guess I was right."

" Elijah, I think I found Julia..."

" You found her?"

" Yes, I think she is hiding out in Germany. I need to go and see if that it leads up to anything."

" That means that I would have to leave right after the baby is born..."

" Jesslyn is going to miss you..."

" I know she is but if I find Julia...I might actually be able to bring her home. Since Nadya left and took our baby, I haven't been happy. She met someone human and left me. I want Julia back in my life."

" I understand Niklaus, but I think that if you are going to find her, you need to find her now. I know that you want to see the baby...but I know that you won't be happy until Julia is back in your life."

" You're right. Tell her that I'm sorry and that I wish I could have been there to see this but something came up."

" I will tell her the truth..."

" Fine, but I will see you in a couple weeks."

        With that my brother walked out of the room and went off to Germany to find the woman that he has loved for so many years. Next to me, Jesslyn began to stir and she looked uncomfortable.

" Lijah...get the nurse."

I got up and got the nurse like my baby asked. When she came back in, I was ushered out of the room for a few moments, until the doctor came out and told me that Jess had asked for me. Walking back into the room, I saw her gripping the pillow behind her head in pain.


" What is it baby?"

" It hurts... It hurts so much Lijah..."

" I know Jess, I know honey. Just a little while longer okay?"

" I don't know Lijah.."

As I held onto Jesslyn's hand, the doctor knocked on the door. He noticed how much pain she was in and decided to check her progress to see if she was ready to push.

" Alright Ms. Mikaelson, I believe that you are ready to bring your son into the world. Mr. Mikaelson, we need her as comfortable as possible."

I nodded and held onto Jesslyn's hand. She groaned in pain as another contraction washed over her.

" Alright, on the next contraction, I want you to push okay? Can you do that for me?"

" O-Okay..."

When she gripped my hand again, I knew she was having another contraction. I kissed her forehead as she started to push. The doctor and nurse were both counting to ten. When the number ten was uttered, Jess fell back against the pillow and panted. This continued to go on for about another twenty minutes.

" One last time Ms. Mikaelson. You can do it." The doctor said

" I... I don't think I can do it." she whimpered

" Yes you can. You can do it." the doctor encouraged

I kissed her forehead one last time and she started to push with the counts. Once the counts reached ten, we both heard the one thing we had waited months and months for. Jesslyn and I started to hear the crying of our son. My eyes started to water and a few tears spilled over my cheeks when I saw him for the first time.

- Thirty minutes later -

Jesslyn's POV:

Elijah had stepped out to call his sister to tell her about the birth of our son. The doctors had taken him to check him over and clean him up. There was a knock at the door and it was one of the nurses from the delivery. In front of her was a clear bassonet. Inside was a small little bundle wrapped in blue. She stopped by the bed, and took my son out of his make shift crib. Handing him over to me, I held my son for the first time.

" Hey there baby boy. I'm your mom... I waited so long to see you. Your dad is just calling your aunt Bekah. He will be back in here soon."

Just as I spoke this last line, Elijah walked back into the room.

" Is that..."

" Yeah Lijah. This is him. Our little boy. What name did you decide on?"

" I like the name Logan."

" How about Logan Owen Mikaelson?"

" I love it."

" Welcome to the family little Logan. Get ready for some crazy family memebers and some truly memorable times."

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