The ball pt. 2

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Rebekah and i walked into the house that Elijah and I were currently staying in. Apparently Elijah cleaned up when I left because the house was spotless. There was nothing out of place. The mirror had no streaks in it.

" Elijah, I am going to take Rebekah up to see where the nursery is so she can help me design it. "

" Just call me if you need anything."

" Okay. "

I linked arms with Rebekah as we walked up to the room I had picked for the nursery. We talked about the things that had been happening in Mystic Falls after we left. Finally we reached the french doors that led to the nursery.

The walls were white and stainless. Showing her around, I showed her where the crib would go and where the rocking chair would be. She asked me what the bay window would be used for. I explained that would be the window where i sat with him/her at night while I waited for her to go to sleep.

Rebekah said that the room would be adorable no matter what gender the baby was.

" Rebekah, how long do these hybrid pregnancies last? "

" Part of you is a werewolf so, nine months. The entire thing. "

" okay. "

" Come on, the ball is in a couple hours. I have to get you ready so I can get ready. "

I nodded and submitted to Rebekah and her hair products. She took an hour and a half to get me ready then she got herself ready. Finally we both got into out dresses. When Rebekah zipped me up, there was a knock at the door.

" Just let me see who that is. "

When she opened the door, her face lit up and I thought it was Elijah.

" Jess, I need to run to my room. But someone is here to see you. "

When she left, a man entered the room, and my heart sped up. The smell I instantly recognized instantly. The scent, the accent... it was Niklaus.

" Nik... " i breathed

He ran to me and hugged me tight.

" Nik, what are you doing here? "

" Well, the woman who is carrying my child moved to another country, and is marrying my brother. Don't I have a right to see you?"

" I guess you do. Where are you staying tonight? "

" idk yet. "

" Then you will stay here. Please. "

" Fine, I will stay here tonight. "

When i looked up, I felt smooth, soft lips pressed to mine. The lips were Nik's. My body reacted by kissing back. Then I realized what I was doing.

" Nik, I am engaged to your brother. I cant do this. I am so sorry. "

" Its alright. May I escort you downstairs? "

" Why of course. "

When we hit the top of the stairs we heard Elijah saying: " introducing my beautiful fiancé Jesslyn. "

Nik escorted me down the stairs into my party. The guests clapped as I walked down the stairs.


Elijah's POV:

As the party got into its full swing, I saw one person, I never wanted to see: Marcel. Pulling Niklaus aside my face was full of concern.

" Niklaus, Marcel is here and you know why he is here. He is after your child which means he will take Jesslyn until the baby is born. We have to get her out of here and I will hold off Marcel. "

" I will bring her over so you can say goodbye. I will call you when I find a place for us all. "

Niklaus went and pulled Jesslyn over to where I was standing.

" Elijah, what is going on. "

" Jesslyn, I need you to go upstairs and pack your clothes. Two bags. One big duffel bag and a backpack. This will be the last we see of each other for awhile. Go with Niklaus and Rebekah. "

" No I am not going anywhere with out you. "

" Jesslyn, this is for the safety of you and the baby. You need to leave and leave me behind. I will find you later I promise. For now, you need to run. "

She kissed me and whispered goodbye. It took all my will power not to cry. Within minutes she was out the door and gone. She disappeared into the night like a shadow, never to be seen.

" Marcel, how have you been? "

" Well. Where is your fiancé ?"

" She wasnt feeling so well, so she went upstairs to lay down. "

The night went on until the party ended. Using my vampire speed, i went up to our room. The room was soon destroyed in anger. The love of my life was forced away to save her life and I dont know when I will see her again.

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