His opened heart

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Jesslyn's POV:

The three of us had been living in this house for about three weeks now. I was about two months along now and showing a bit. Elijah and I had been talking everyday since I left. Marcel wad still running around Ireland looking for me. He had all of his night walkers on the streets looking as well.

He was still keeping Marcel at bay saying that I was resting. He would be on a plane in a couple days with the rest of our things. I missed having him around obsessing over the baby and protecting the bump. He and I would have gone shopping for blankets. Just simple yellow or white blankets and stuffed animals.

Niklaus would barely let me out of the house. Apparently it was to dangerous because Marcel could have people around here looking for me. Rebekah and I knew this wasn't true, it is just a protective father.

Then I realized, Elijah wasn't the father. Niklaus was the father but he never acted like it. Elijah acted more like a father. But thinking about this made me feel like a slut who is bouncing between brothers. A normal girl would never go between two brothers. As I was lost in thought I heard two men shouting.

" you don't understand Niklaus. "

" what don't I understand?"

" You can't just take her away from me."

" Why not Elijah?"

" I let her in! i do not let people in! I needed her and you stole her away from me. "

" what do you mean ' you let her in ' "

" I do not let people in! My heart is closed off from people. Since Tatia, I have closed my heart off. When I saw Jesslyn, my heart opened back up. I love her Niklaus. I am taking her home to Mystic Falls. Don't try and stop me. "

" Fine, but no matter how hard you try... that child will always be mine. "

You and I together foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن