The Baby

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Once I dropped my sister off at her house, I made my way back to where Elijah and I were staying. Walking inside, I followed the scent of blood into the kitchen. When I entered I saw Elijah. He was wearing only grey sweatpants that hung low on his hips exposing his abs and his v line. This is one thing that I loved coming home to. Silently I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. My hands were running up and down his sculpted torso. Also my fingers started playing with the waistband of his sweatpants.

" Jesslyn, if you would ever be so kind as to stop teasing me."

" why would I ever do that?"

" because I know that you want to walk tomorrow."

" is that a threat Mr. Mikaelson?"

" nope, more like an observation. "

" well then I don't think I will. I want to see this observation. "

He calmly closed the door to the refrigerator and turned around. His hands grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. My hips were resting against him and the friction was driving him and I mad. His hands gripped my thighs and lifted me onto the counter. His lips crashed onto mine and the kiss was full of lust and need. The passion was put to the side as we both needed each other right then.

" Jess, I don't want to hurt the baby. "

" you won't. I promise. "

I crashed my lips to his again as his hands explored my body. My shirt was removed from my body and thrown on the counter next to me. My pants were the next to go followed by my underwear. Elijah got down on his knees and started to kiss my inner thighs. He worked his way up until I felt his breath on my core where I needed him the most. I whimpered and he chuckled from the floor. Suddenly I felt his tongue plunge into me. His tongue twisted and curled inside of me. I gripped the edge of the counter as my moans filled the kitchen. The moans only made him move his tongue faster. I was so close but I realized this isn't how I wanted this to end. I pushed his shoulders back.

" what?"

" I don't want to end that way. I want you now. "

He picked me up by my thighs and used his vampire speed to get us to his room faster. He layers me down on the bed and dropped his sweatpants and boxers. He crawled onto the bed and wrapped my legs around his waist. To protect the baby he pushed in slow. My back arched as I felt him fill me. His thrusts got faster and faster. He gripped onto the headboard for support while I gripped his hair. As I pulled his hair, he growled and let his head go back with my hand exposing his neck. Since his head was rolled I attacked his neck kissing up and down until I found the spot that makes him shudder. His thrusts were getting sloppy so I know he was close. The knot in my stomach was almost to the point of undoing.

" Elijah, I can't hold on any longer."

"On the count of three. "

" one, two, three."

The knot in my stomach came undone as I felt him thrust into me one last time. He kissed my neck and rolled over to keep the weight off me.

" I'm sorry the baby bump got in the way. "

" not at all. "

" we need to talk about the baby Lijah. "

" what about the baby?"

" what about the baby?"

" where will we live? Where will the baby sleep?"

"Jess don't worry about that. "

" she needs a stable home and she doesn't need a crazy vampire chasing after her. "

" don't worry about any of this. Please just keep the baby safe and plan our wedding. "

" alright. "

We fell asleep talking at 9'o'clock. This was the best night ever.

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