The ball

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Elijah and I were running around the house trying to figure out the things we needed for the ball. Elijah said that he would handle everything, but I had to help.

" Sweethart, just go shopping. Here is my credit card. Have fun."

" You are really trusting me with your credit card? You know I can be a bit like your sister when it comes to shopping. "

" Yeah I am sure. Just go and get things!!!"

Walking towards the front door, I grabbed Elijah's car keys and walked out the door. Jumping into the drivers seat, I drove away towards the dress shop. Finding the perfect parking spot, which was right in front of the store. The door wad only a few steps from the car. Entering the shop, I wad suddenly surrounded by beautiful dresses. Making my way through the maze of dresses, I found the perfect dress.

The dress was a red ball gown that had a halter top design. Grabbing the dress, I ran to the dressing room to try it on. Zipping it up, i stepped outside and looked in the mirror. While my back was turned, someone came up behind me and covered my eyes.

" That dress looks wonderful on you babe. "

I turned around and screamed.

" Rebekah!! what are you doing here? "

" Elijah called a couple days ago telling me about a ball for an engagement. "

" Did he tell you about the other thing?"

" What other thing? "

" I am pregnant with Niklaus' baby. "

" How did Elijah take that?!?!"

" After I told him when it happened, he understood why that it happened. Yes he was upset, but we worked it out. Things are amazing and I got this. "

I showed her the ring her older brother got me. Her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw the ring. She squealed just a little bit. As we bought out dresses, we went next door to the smoothie shop and bought stuff. Driving home, Elijah met us outside.

" Jess, I see you have found your little surprise..."

" Yes! thank you so much!!!! "

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