Time to run.

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Carter's POV:

The hospital was a little farther from the house then I remember. Elijah was driving while I sat in the back with Logan. He was sleeping peacefully in his car seat. Every now and then, Elijah would look back at the both of us and smile. I guess he never thought that he could have this. Personally, I never thought that this would have happened. Once I was turned, I thought that was it. I thought that I could never have children. Looking at my sleeping son in the car seat, a smile spread across my face. He looked so peaceful, so serene. I sat there looking at my son for the remainder of the drive home. Elijah broke my trance by mentioning that we are back home. Looking up at him, I smiled.

" Eli, can you grab the suitcase and his bag out of the trunk while I get him out of his seat?"

" Of course I can."

" Thank you."

Slowly getting out of the car, I walked around to the other side. Opening the door, I started to unbuckle Logan out of his car seat.

" Well well well, look who has finally come home..."

" Marcel..."

" Well hello Ms. Bennett."

" What are you doing here?"

" I came for the hybrid baby sitting inside that car seat."

" You are not touching my son."

" I really need him though."

" No you don't. You just want to cause my family pain."

Slowly buckling my son back in, I spun around and kicked Marcel.

" Elijah! Lets go!"

Elijah ran outside and threw two duffel bags and a diaper bag inside the trunk. We both got back into the car and drove off.

" Where are we going Eli?"

" I don't know. Somewhere I can keep both of you safe."

- Two weeks later -

Elijah and I had been on the run for about two weeks now. We have had three different cars, and have stayed in dozen of motels. Marcel is still following us but we are becoming one step ahead of him as the weeks go. Nik hasn't tried to call us since he went to Germany.

" Elijah, I think we need to leave the country. Go somewhere else."

" I think we need to as well. I just don't know where to go."

" I'm not sure either. Maybe Australia... You said you liked it there Eli."

" I do. It is beautiful down there."

" Then lets go there. Now. Before Marcel catches up to us. We need to get as far away from him and his minions as possible."

" Alright. Lets go now. Lets run now."

" Lets go."

You and I together foreverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن