I finally found you...my Julia

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Niklaus' POV:

I hated leaving Jesslyn behind but I really needed to see her. My Julia, the girl that stole my heart. Our love story started out in the period when kings and queens still ruled different countries. She was of noble birth, and everyone in the country thought I was nobleman. We fell in love with each other and I told her what I truly was. She wasn't afraid of me, in fact, she asked me to turn her. I waited until she was eighteen and turned her. We snuck away into the night, and vowed never to return to our families. I turned her in the woods and while I went to go and get her the fresh human blood that she needed, she must have run off looking for me. For hundreds of years, I searched for her with no luck. My love for her never died, but I hid it away throughout the centuries that I lived without her. Everyday, I wonder what she is doing and what her life has become. This maybe one of the last times that I would get to see her. I didn't know if she had moved on with her life since she ran. My plane finally landed in Germany, and I ran off the plane and outside the airport. She was in this town somewhere and I don't know where exactly. If I did find her, then I would know it was her. She has a unique scent to her. A scent only I know and right now, I was locked on to it. I hope she is ehre and I hope she remembers me.

The scent lead me to a local pub. The inside held different patrons, but not as many as I thought. In the back corner, I saw the woman I had chased after for centuries... my Julia. Walking up to her, I tapped her shoulder. Looking up at me, her eyes went wide.

" N-Nik..."

" Yea Jules. Its me. "

" I never thought that I would see you again..."

" What happened to you?

" What do you mean?"

" That night, the night that I turned you. What happened to you?"

" I woke up on the ground in the woods. The memories came rushing back to me. Our love, you turning me. You flashed in my mind and I realized you weren't there with me."

" I went to get you some human blood to drink. I was gone for about two minutes. When I returned, you were gone. I haven't stopped looking for you for centuries now. I never stopped, never gave up. I missed the birth of my son to come and find you."

" Your son?"

" I'm a hybrid love. It was a mistake but I vowed to take care of that child. I will be in his life but as his uncle not his father."

" Who is going to be the father?"

" My brother Elijah. He is marrying a girl named Jesslyn. "

" Where are you boys living now?"

" We returned home to Mystic Falls. I really needed to go home for awhile."

" How are they?"

" Come home with me..."

" What?"

" Come home with me. Come back to Mystic Falls."

" Are you sure you want me to come home with you?"

" Yes I am sure. I don't want to lose you again. Please...come home with me."

" Yes. I will come home. Lets go and get my clothes and some stuff before we leave. I just want to go home now."

" Then lets go home."

- Back In Mystic Falls -

Elijah's POV:

Niklaus had been gone for about two days now. I didn't know when or if he was coming back. Today is the day that Jesslyn and Logan finally got to come home. Jesslyn was a little weak after she had Logan, so they had them stay an extra day just in case. Loading up the car seat into the back of my SUV, I made sure that I had everything ready to bring them home. Walking around to the driver's seat, I started the car and drove back to the hospital. When I walked into the hosptial I saw Jesslyn standing their waiting in the lobby holding our newborn son. He was wearing a cute little white onsie with blue anchors, and also a matching hat. He looked so cute. Hugging her, and kissing him, I help Jess get him into the car, and packed everything into the car. We started to head home, we just weren't expecting who was waiting for us there.

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