Their never ending love

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The girl who stood in front of me was not my sister. Her belly was swollen And her eyes darted around her. Her hair was darker and she had dark rings underneath her hazel eyes. Her hands were moving over her belly as she saw me and sat down. For once in her life, she looked unhappy.

" Nayda, are you...?"

" yes and it's Niklaus'. I didn't tell him because I found out after he left. How is he?"

" well after you left, he was a wreck. He drank both alcohol and people. He almost went off the deep end, but I pulled him back with memories of you. "

" does he miss me?"

" of course he does. Not a day has gone by that he hasn't asked me about you. I didn't tell him anything because we haven't talked in so long."

" really?"

" why don't we go back to mine so we can give him a call and tell him. "

" let's. "

We drove back to the house I was staying in while I was town. We arrived after ten minutes of driving. Walking up to the house, I knew Elijah was there because of the clashing and clanging that was resonating throughout the house. Opening the door, the noise stopped.

" Elijah don't jump out of anywhere. It is me and a friend. "

" it's Nadya Lijah. "

" hello Nadya. "

" we are going upstairs to call Nik. Be back later. "

Nayda's POV:

Jess handed the phone to me and the contact was Nik.

" Jess, is it the baby?"

" Niklaus, it is Nayda. "

" love, where have you been?"

" Mystic Falls. "

" I will come and get you. "

" actually your coming to get us both. "

" huh?"

" I'm...pregnant. "

" what?"

"Yeah about five months. "

" is it?"

" yes it is. And wait, my sister is pregnant?"

" yeah it is mine, but it is for her and Elijah. "

"She didn't tell me. "

" she would have soon, she had planned on it. But the time must not have come yet. But listen, I will be on a plane soon so I can come and get you and we can come back and go wherever you want. It doesn't matter where we go as long as I'm with you. "

" Okay, I will be here waiting for you. My stuff will be ready to go and so will we. "

The other end of the line went dead, and I knew that he had gone to the airport. Locking the phone, I went back to my sister. Telling her how the conversation went and that I needed to go pack my things. She of course agreed and drove me home. It was sad to say goodbye again but I know that I would see her again.

Jesslyn's POV:

My sister was moving in with Niklaus. The house was in Georgia which was so far away from me. Of course I was worried about her being with him. He hurt her the last time but I know he didn't mean to do it, so I couldn't really hold anything against him. While my sister packed her things, I rubbed my belly. I was now about 4 months and I was getting big. I had been hiding it under baggy shirts and sweatshirts but my sister knew now so there was no point. When I dropped her off at her apartment, I made my way over to the Salvatore Boarding House. Slowly I walked up and knocked on the door. Within seconds, Damon had opened the door.

" well would you look at that? Little Miss Jess. "

" how have you been Damo?"

" fine, come in. I have drinks and such. "

" hope by that you mean AB+ because alcohol won't do me or little one here any good..."

Damon looked down and his eyes lit up. I don't think that Damon had known that I was pregnant.

" how far along are you?"

" about four months now. "

" wow, uhm come sit, I'll grab some bags from the freezer. "

" so I take it Stefan isn't here?"

" nope he is out with Elena. "

" oh well then I don't feel guilty asking. "

" asking what?"

" will you be the godfather of my child?"

He was at a loss for words. His eyes were bright.

" of course, but who is the godmother?"

" I was hoping Elena. "

" ah well just know that I will spoil him or her until the day there heart stops beating. "

"Their heart won't stop beating, they will be a hybrid."

" what?"

I divulged into the whole New York story and how everything happened and he understood everything. He and I talked for hours until I said that Elijah would be worried and that I had to leave. It felt good to be back in Mystic Falls, I just hope this time I can actually stay.

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