As the months roll by

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Jesslyn's POV:

        It had been another two months before Marcel tried anything. I was now six months pregnant and things were just getting uncomfortable. I looked like a whale and nothing fit me anymore. Every month I would have to go get new clothes because the old ones didn't fit me. Currently I was living on leggings and over sized cute sweaters. The months in Mystic Falls were turning colder. My little boy was kicking more and more each day. Elijah was only getting more and more protective as the months dragged on.

" Elijah...where are you?"

" Downstairs my love."

Using my vampire speed, I was downstairs in seconds. He of course heard my heartbeat and our son's so he knew I was there. We hadn't decided on a name yet but I had been thinking of one for a while now. Of course I would have to run this by Elijah and Niklaus first but  I think they would be okay with it. The name i was thinking was Henrik, the name of the younger brother that they had both lost before they turned into vampires. Elijah was about to go off with Klaus to New Orleans to try and find us a home. 

" Are you sure I can't go Elijah?"

" Yes, I want you here and safe. Please stay here with Rebekah and keep yourself and our son safe."

" of course, I will do anything to keep us safe." 

There was a knock at the door telling us that Niklaus had arrived and was ready to leave when we were ready to part. He knows that Elijah and I have gotten closer to each other as the months rolled by and so he was letting his brother say goodbye. I just wish that I would have known he wouldn't see me until I was eight months pregnant so I would have let it last longer

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