Chapter 27

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Steve's Pov

Spitting out toothpaste, I looked into the bathroom mirror. When have things gotten so complicated? The rumor has spread that Tony and Pepper are getting a divorce. They've been on bad terms for over half a year now, so it's no surprise, but I can't get rid of the feeling that it was somehow my fault.

I wiped my mouth with a towel and left the bathroom. I sat down at my desk and took my laptop. I've been learning how to type on it, and I'm doing pretty well I think. I've been writing a book, it's fiction about a girl in the second world war. Thought I'd get a hobby instead of breaking punching bags every day.

Should I feel guilty? I mean their relationship has been pretty much broken, so I didn't do anything wrong by making a move did I?

Peter's Pov

Tick Tick Tick

I stared at the clock on the wall, bored out of my mind. Geography is the worst lesson of all, and none of my friends are in this class. 13 more minutes until the end of the day. I've got a date with Wade to the theater. We're watching a classic; Romeo and Juliet. Wade loves classic shows like that. Although, he's been very strange lately. He's been very questioning about my life, which is good for him to be interested in me, but it's like he's looking for me to spill a secret. 

I've been keeping my identity for almost 4 years now, so his questions don't bother me. Lying and thinking quick is not a problem, but why is he so suspicious about it?

"Peter?" Mrs Thursby glared at him. "Well seeing as staring at the clock is more interesting than my class, I assume you don't need to learn this do you?" Miss Thursby was such a shitty teacher. She followed the school rule book as if it was her bible. 

"Sorry" I huffed, looking down at my notebook. She crossed her arms, still staring at me, clearly just trying to embarrass me in front of the class. 

"What has been the most important part of development in Liverpool?" She looked at him expectantly. She knew Peter wouldn't get this, she hasn't even covered Liverpool yet. Peter hated this teacher, she strived to make her students look like idiots. 

"Trade and international migration" I stared at her eyes, tried to stay emotionless. I didn't want to get on her bad side, the detentions she gives are strict.

She crossed her eyebrows, clueless as to why I knew the answer when the topic hasn't even been taught yet. 


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