Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hello my lovelies x ❤️ I really hope you are enjoying the story so far! This chapter is dedicated to @mariam_elkholy for her continuous support and encouragement in me especially her hilarious comments which have made me laugh and smile so much , thank you so much Mariam! 💕💕 Everyone, please don't be shy to tell me your thoughts on the book, praises and criticisms are all welcome 🥰 And please don't forget to vote!
The constant beeping of the heart rate monitor was becoming her only hope that he was in there safe and alive. He was right in front of her laying on a small hospital bed, this man that had encapsulated her heart. The man that had given her meaning and hope in her pitiful life was now more vulnerable than ever.

She couldn't stand the tubes that were digging into his soft, bruised skin; the oxygen mask that covered the parts she did not want to see, although she could make out the purplish bruises on the side of his jaws. Her insides twisted in horrendous pain, she imagined herself attached to those tubes, it was as if she was connected to his heart, body and soul.

She brought up her delicate hands to the glass window of the ICU, she wanted to barge inside and hold his hand, never once leaving his side, confess her love to him.

But she didn't have the courage.

How could she possibly stand next to the same man she stung with rejection?

'He was beaten, quite viciously,' The doctor speculated, adjusting his glasses to sit at the top of his nose bridge. 'He is very lucky to have survived.' The doctor then paused.

Hayat inhaled, her breathing shaky, she could feel blood pound in her ears. She wanted to be the one on the bed not him, he didn't deserve any of this.

'Whoever did this,' He peered down at the woman in front of him, tears streaming down her innocent face continuously and the non stop shaking of her body made him think she was going to need treatment too.

'Intentionally punctured the hollow parts of his body, just missing the vital organs by a few centimetres.' The information was hard to take in and he felt for this woman who looked as if she would pass out at any moment.

But who would commit such a heinous crime? The thoughts in her head weren't helping as she felt she was losing her balance. She couldn't think let alone talk.

'Would you like to sit down?' The doctor motioned her to sit on one of the nearby metal chairs. He filled up a cup of water and handed it to the poor girl. Was she his wife?

'Excuse me miss, but you said your relation to him was...' The doctor reached to give Hayat a drink of water, waiting patiently for her to fill in the gap.

Hayat wished she could have said 'wife', it gave her a slight tingle in the tips of her toes as she thought about what it would be like to live with him, betrothed to the most amazing man she had ever met. The man she truly loved. She imagined how it would have felt waking up to him every day, the sun shining on his face, his hazel orbs peering right back at her, penetrating her soul.

And then it dawned upon her.

Who was she to him?

'A friend.' Hayat croaked, a truth and a lie. She chugged down the water, the cool liquid moistening her dry throat.

'I see,' The doctor shuffled his feet, looking at her in an uneasy way. 'Do you have any idea who might have done this? The police would want to take his statement when he gains consciousness.'

Who could have done this?

Hayat's mind travelled back to when her father threatened her.

He would have Rayhan killed if she didn't marry Adam.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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