Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: This ones to all those lovely people out there who take the time to vote and comment, you know who you are :P ❤️


'You have a good day, son.' The butcher glowered at the young man in front of him. He hadn't seen someone so happy to buy a bag of lamb chops in all his 50 years of living.

Rayhan securely tightened the bags in his hands, waving to the butcher as he exited the shop.

He finally had enough cash to treat Abdullah with some hearty meat. He knew how much he craved it and just thinking about surprising him with a nice, warm meal had him rushing to the bakery.

He had just turned the corner when suddenly he heard a familiar voice shouting. His head whipped around instantly upon hearing her in distress.

It had to be her. 

Two men in rags were hovering over a small cloaked figure. His blood was boiling as he took in the way she was backing up against the wall. Fear highlighting those black orbs. His insides irked with frustration at the sight of seeing her hurt, tears moistening her eyelids.

He couldn't hear or see anything else apart from the scene in front of him. They were harassing her and that set fire to his patience. He dropped the bags to the floor, his fists clenched as he charged to them.

They both looked up at him in confusion as Hayat's eyes widened in shock. He could read the message in her eyes telling him to not interfere. Anger pulsated his veins as he towered over the sick men. They shrivelled in fear at his tall stature.

She tightened her hands over her ears as she heard skin on skin contact and a regurgitating squelching sound. The first man landed on the floor, blood dripping from his nose. The second, upon seeing his friend battered, made a run for it.

Rayhan didn't let go of the first man as he sat on him, punching him senseless. Hayat screamed at the amount of blood dripping down out of the deep wounds on the man's face.

'Rayhan, stop!' He wasn't concentrating on her words just then. He wanted to kill that man in front of him. His knuckles pulsed with adrenaline as he felt force ripple against the man's sunken cheeks.

'Rayhan!' Her scream pierced his ears and he realised what he was doing.

He stared at the unconscious man in front of him. People were starting to gather around, some dialling the ambulance whilst others stood in shock.

He looked at where the blood tainted his fist and took hesitant steps away from the injured man.

What had he just done?

He desperately searched the crowds for Hayat. He dodged past the people questioning him and some asking if he was okay. He didn't care about anyone, except her.

He saw her retreating figure heading towards the shore. He rushed after her, knocking incessantly at the rocks that lay on the road.

She probably thought he was some monster. He didn't know what had caused him to react the way he did.

He swore to never turn into the man he was before.

'Hayat!' He called but she didn't respond. He was a few inches away from her before he pulled at her arm gently.

'Are you ok?' Rayhan took in her eyes that were fuelled with anger.

'I could have handled that myself.' She seethed, jerking her arm away from his grasp.

'Oh yeah? Because you were doing a perfect job of keeping them away from you.' He blurted out, completely frustrated with the way she was acting.

What had he done wrong?

'I don't know what you want from me.' She started walking away from him.

'Hayat, stop. Please.' He was begging her.

'Rayhan, leave me alone.'

A dark grey cloud hovered over the town, cascading the red hues painted across the sky. The sun was setting, withdrawing from the commotion of these two young, naive souls.

'Hayat, will you please just listen to me.' He caught both of her arms and pulled her close to him.

He desperately searched for acceptance within her eyes, not willing to let go of the strong grasp he had upon her heart.

He felt her shoulders relax and her gaze soften as she embraced those eyes she adored so much.

No more running, Hayat.

The first droplets of rain fell onto their heads and trickled down the sides of their faces. A drizzle began, with a cool breeze sifting through the air.

He claimed the fragrance evading her body and the way he could sense her breath hitching, gave him a pleasurable reassurance.

'I can't stay away from you, Hayat.' His breathe was ragged and he could feel the warmth of her breathe as she let out a small gasp.

He knew she felt the same way. The way she looked at him, love clearly expressed within the depths of her black irises.

The rain showered them, dampening their clothes that were sticking to their bodies. He didn't bother to push his wet hair back, neither did she pull the veil sticking to her face.

Her chest heaved in an uneven rhythm. Her heart was beating wildly against the skin of her chest yet he could hear her palpitations.

'Hayat.' His voice sounded husky and she couldn't answer.

They stood inches away from each other, warmth radiating off their bodies although a stiffening cold ambience surrounded them.

'Do you feel the same way about me?' There was a slight crack in his voice. But his eyes remained glued to hers and she gazed deeply into his; losing herself in the moment of just the two of them.

Say yes.


There was silence before the sudden clasp of thunder which shook her out of the trance. She looked in every direction, avoiding his eyes. She moved away from him and his hands slid off her arms slowly.

'I don't know who you are.' Hayat stood, soaked with emotion and rain.

His heart stung with rejection and pain. He had confessed a part of his concealed emotions to her and she had rejected him.

'Your a complete stranger to me.' Her eyes were rid of any emotion.

His eyes stung at the water forming therein and his gaze remained fixated on her. He was rooted to the spot where he stood, hurt.

Please don't do this to me.

'And I want you to stay away from me.' Her voice was firm and she held no compassion for the man in front of her.

Get out from here and stay away from my family.

She had rephrased her father's words perfectly. But he understood it far too late.She withheld his gaze momentarily before turning on her heels and walking in the opposite direction.

He stared ahead, watching helplessly as she dragged the pieces of his heart along with her. The useless tears dripping from his face did no justice to how he felt inside.

You broke my heart, Hayat.

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