Chapter Fourteen

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A/N : This chapter is dedicated to ayslet for her continuous support and love in this book ❤️ (Thank you ayslet 💕)

Thank you to all of those who have voted so far and have taken an interest in reading my book, it means the world to me ❤️


The incessant knocking of some annoying person at the door, awakened Rayhan from his peaceful slumber.

He rubbed his bloodshot eyes, not bothering to put on his shirt as he walked sleepily to the door. It was 2AM, who the hell was it?

The door opened with a creak and there stood Abdullah looking absolutely worn out. His cheeks were sunken, his face pale and green. Rayhan couldn't recognise his friend whose eyes drooped, rid of any cheekiness they used to hold. His dark brown irises were clouded with grief and his beard had grown out since the last time he saw him. Rayhan felt his stomach churn at the sight of his friends stature, he was scrawny and he leant against the cemented walls, breathless.

'Abdullah?! What's happened to you man?!' Rayhan hadn't hesitated to grab his friend by his waist, pulling his arm to rest over his shoulder.

Rayhan cringed when he felt his rib cage protruding out through his skeletal body. It had only been one month and already he looked like a completely different person!

He was falling fatally ill and Rayhan wondered when was the last time Abdullah had a good meal. Rayhan tried to be there for his friend, but every time he put in effort, Abdullah seemed to push him away. He wanted to be left alone, but had Rayhan known he'd sink into such a depression that was left killing him, he wouldn't have forsaken him.

He rushed to the hospital nonetheless, not caring how anyone viewed him, undressed and barefooted. All he cared about was Abdullah.

'Come on man, please stay with me.' Abdullah only seemed to hear that sentence before he fell down, unconscious. 


Rayhan stared at his friend, laying unconscious on the bed.

Wake up, please.

Rayhan had made a firm resolve, he'd be there for his friend no matter how much he'd push him away.

Why did he leave his side?

The more Rayhan seemed to think and dwell over past matters made it extremely hard for him to concentrate on the here and now. His friend needed him more than ever.

'Why? Why did you have to punish yourself?' He spoke to the unrecognisable body, leads attached to every visible part of his body.

They left his chest bare without any clothing and Rayhan did everything to avert his eyes from the deep purple bruising under his ribcage.

He fell back onto the chair and all he could do was pray his friend would come back to him. He ran a shaky hand through his unkempt hair and beard, he was sure Abdullah would come out a survivor, he had full hope.

The music blasted well into the street and as they clambered out the backdoors of the club with great difficulty, his friend breathed steadily. His heavy weight was consuming his lean one. His friend had to come in to that filthy place again, just to save him from doing something he'd regret.

'C-Crap. Baba's going to kill me...' The man was obviously drunk, he could still taste the alcohol upon his lips.

He could barely walk without stumbling into a person or garbage can, and the only support he had was his friend that held him firmly with a strong arm.

'You really done it this time, haven't you?' His friend laughed at his stupidity.

'Meow?' He was literally out of his senses which only made his friend laugh hysterically.

'What the hell man? I've told you before, this isn't a way to deal with your problems.' His friend reprimanded him, nudging him in his side.

'What can I do? I've lost her. She's no longer here.' He stumbled over a beer can and nearly fell on his face, his eyes stinging at the memory of his mother.

'Is that how she'd want to see you right now? In this drunken state?' His friend sat him down on a nearby bench, supporting his head against his thigh.

'I miss her. I want her back Abdullah, please.' Tears streamed onto his friends jeans, drops of alcohol still savoured within his mouth.

'It'll be okay. You'll see. I'm right here, Rayhan.' Abdullah comforted his friend until the only sounds he heard were quiet verses of Quran repeated within his ears.

A soft thud was heard at the door and upon his cracked voice granting the person entrance, he wiped at his eyes viciously removing any form of tears.

A small figure gasped as she walked in, taking note of the way his crooked body seemed against the white sheets.

'Abdullah?!' She quietly breathed under the thin material of her veil.

Rayhan couldn't explain how he'd felt just then, he was in control of his emotions and he didn't need to confide in anyone, yet upon hearing her soft voice he felt the urge to break down.

She took a look at the handsomely dishevelled man sitting in the corner, with his chin leaning on his cupped palms. His body was shaking and it looked as if he was exhausted.

She sat down on the chair next to him, making sure she shut the door ever so quietly.

She inhaled a familiar scent just then, it was his. His smell affected her just how cannabis affected those who were addicted to it, she was obsessed with it.

She wanted to share his sorrows and she knew his mind was buzzing with thoughts and feelings just then. She had read his entire thought processes on paper and she only craved to read more.

Her hand held a crisp white sheet of paper and a pen. She held it to him, and he looked through the corner of his eyes, he didn't want her to think he was weak by crying for his ill friend.

That gesture shocked him as he stared within those luscious orbs. He held out his hand and she lay it in his palms, with the thick material of her scarf brushing against his wrist causing tingles to run through his arm.

'Write,' She stood up swiftly and walked to the door, lowering her gaze. 'Write whatever is going through that beautiful mind.'

His face flushed as soon as she exited the room and he was actually grateful that his friend wasn't conscious to see that.

That Bambi really knew how to lift his mood...

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