Chapter Eight

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They were here. They really did come to visit Adam. Hayat kept a close eye from where she was standing just outside the room. She tried to decipher what they were saying, but they were happy and she wondered how they managed to make him smile and even laugh! Adam lifted up his hands to wipe the corner of his eyes, his perfect set of white teeth were on full display and she couldn't help but smile too. She was overwhelmed with happiness that Adam was slowly recovering and whatever his parents were discussing with him seemed to make him smile and that was enough for her.

It had been a good hour since they arrived and so they glanced up at the clock and bid farewell to Adam. Hayat watched as his mother kissed his forehead and his father gave an encouraging pat on his back. She was more than intrigued to know what the great news was and she couldn't wait until they left to ask Adam. They were coming out and Hayat quickly busied herself with some random papers in her hands, pretending she was doing some important work. They were approaching her and she couldn't help but feel a tad bit intimidated. Actually, really intimidated.

'You must be Nurse Hayat.' A soft voice called out and Hayat snapped her head up to see Adam's mother peering down at her with appreciation in her eyes. Her fine grey hair was tied into a neat bun, with a silk shawl covering just the half of her head. Her clothing was much simpler, with a long, embroidered cream tunic and black culottes. She was a beautiful lady and her green eyes were mesmerising just like Adam's.

Hayat was shocked at their sudden change in behaviour. Were they not those same arrogant people who had greeted her with disgust only a few weeks ago?

'Yes, that's me.' Hayat was more than happy to put her hand out for the mother to shake and the father stood, impressed. His grey beard was small and he didn't seem to resemble Adam at all. His cheeks were chubby with tiny freckles specked across them. Whilst he was pale white, Adam was a darker shade, but none the less, white. He had donned a black suit with a cream tie, his belly sticking out just a bit. He constantly took a glance at the expensive watch he beheld on his wrist and Hayat thought about the couple of thousands spent on that alone. He still held a serious countenance and his posture was as always, stiff.

'I just want to thank you for helping our son. He can't stop talking about how much you've supported him.' His mother still grasping onto Hayat's hand, spoke with complete compassion.

'Please do not thank me, Mrs Cenk. I am willing to do anything to maintain the happiness and well-being of my patients.'

'Well, keep up the great work, dear. We must go but it'll be lovely to meet you again.' With another shake of hands and a few blown kisses, they walked away in elegant strides through the exit.

Hayat couldn't help but feel valued and in some way, respected. She felt a sense of pride within her that she had actually done something right this time. She felt light as she walked into Adam's room. He was watching the entire time how Hayat had responded with their sudden change of behaviour.

'I hope they didn't give you too much trouble.' Adam cocked his brow at Hayat who plopped herself on the soft couch and sighed deeply.

'Wow, I'm so shocked,' She let out a soft laugh, but her insides were jumping with joy. 'Tell me that did not just happen? Why on earth are they so happy?'

'That's a good question,' Adam smiled widely before clearing his throat. 'My little sister's wedding is tomorrow.' He kept his eyes on her, observing her reaction.

'Ah! That's amazing news! Congrats to her!'

'Too bad I won't be there, though.' He gazed downwards at his shaky hands, the visit from his parents still gave him a heap of anxiety and the sadness in his eyes was as clear as day.

Hayat kept her eyes on him, she couldn't say anything to that. She couldn't tell him that it wasn't true because it was.

'Seeing my sister happy and content is something I've always wanted. Of course, mum and dad gave her everything she'd desire, but to experience love from another person gives you true happiness. I've always been there when she needed someone, I'd hold her hands through every step of the way,' His smile faltered and he gazed out the window for the third time. 'But now, I'm not going to be there when she needs me the most. On her wedding day.' He seemed to condemn his soul for his stupid actions and being confined to a bed made him hate himself a whole lot more.

'You were there for her when she needed you. That shows how much love you had for her. She won't forget you, not even on her special day.' Hayat spoke softly and grazed her fingertips over the thin material of her silk scarf.

'Hayat?' His voice sounded soft and he gazed into her large eyes which he desperately wanted to get lost in.


'You make me happy.'


Rayhan packed all the necessary equipment into individual boxes. He was well prepared and he gave a slight pat on his own back as he looked at his efforts. Nice.

He wondered why those rich people wanted to hire him out of every bakery associate in the area. I mean, his bakery was famous but he still hadn't enough funds to refurbish the shop and get new equipment. His rusty coffee machine lay in bubble wrap neatly inside the box and he glanced up at the clock. It was nearing 6PM. He had to get everything done before he closed up for the night. The wedding was tomorrow and with no Abdullah around to take over he'd had to close for the day.

He adjusted sellotape on top of the boxes and put them in a neat pile near the door. He was just about to grab his jacket and keys when he heard a soft knock on the windowpane.

It was Hayat.

She waved happily at him as she walked by the shop, her scarf tousling lightly in the wind and her eyes withheld his for the longest time possible before she was out of sight.

Rayhan was stunted to his spot, he could neither wave back nor could he even smile. Every time she seemed to pop up, his heart seemed to skip a thousand beats. She would come and go like a cool breeze on a sweltering day, it rejuvenated him.

Much like that night.

On his way back home, all he could think about was her. Her soft heart and her caring nature. She was like a closed book, allowing certain people to enter and read those complicated chapters. She seemed to conceal some sort of trouble from everyone, except him of course. Rayhan could see straight through that expressionless facade. There was much more to the story, and he was willing to do anything to find out.

He was still an idiot though.

For not waving back.

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