keeing up with the stars

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hi guys and welcome back to keeping up with the stars

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hi guys and welcome back to keeping up with the stars. today we are joined by the lovely brooklyn hemsworth. brooklyn how are you?

i'm great thank you. how are you?

very good! it's a pleasure to have you on our channel. we have been looking forward to this. so shall we get started?

of course!

so, first of all congratulations with the twins. how do you feel knowing you just had two baby boys?

thank you, um first of all when i first found out i was having twins i was shock and happy at the same time it was much painful then it was when i was expecting from ellie but i wouldn't change it for the world.

that's just amazing! are you gonna settle for just three kids or are you going for more?

one last shot and see if i'm lucky enough to get a baby girl. who knows.

wonderful! so brooklyn, how does it feel living with no other then james mcavoy?

oh it's wonderful, he helps me a lot with the kids and with chores around the house. his a total sweetheart and wouldn't change him for a thing in this would, he's just so amazing.

how are your brothers taking all of this that's just been happening?

they been really supportive with everything. especially chris, he's been checking on us everyday before he goes to work and when he gets off too. he stops by the house here and there to see the kids and talk with james. he's just been so sweet and supportive of everything and i really appreciate him for that.

how sweet. now brooklyn, there's been rumors of you possibly joining the marvel family along the side of your brother? how did that happen?

no comment on that, sorry.

so there might be chance?

who knows maybe there will maybe they're won't.

where there you have it people, thank you so much for being here and having the chance to catch up with you

thank you for having me it was an honor being here!

everyone please give it up for brooklyn hemsworth! thank you for tuning in today on keeping up with the starts, i'll see you guys next week.

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