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BrooklynHemsworth Is it weird that I have been sick, tired, and tender lately? What could that be?

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ChrisHemsworth you're pregnant, duh!

BrooklynHemsworth no shit Sherlock

Hughjackman my baby is growing so fast in there

BrooklynHemsworth tell me about it babe🙄

Renner4real I didn't know about this! What the heck

BrooklynHemsworth wait... oh geez I told James instead of you, sorry buddy

Liamhemsworth so excited about this😍

BrooklynHemsworth I think you're going to be her/his favorite uncle🥰

Robertdowneyjr so happy for you little Hemsworth

BrooklynHemsworth Im so happy too big downey

Jamesmcavoyrealdeal hugh must be all excited and shit

hughjackman tell me about it man

BrooklynHemsworth his literally looking up baby cloths and we don't know what it is until tomorrow

Ryanreynolds Blake is freakin out right now

BrooklynHemsworth I miss her so much !

Imsebastianstan wait are you serious?!

brooklynhemsworth you're going to be an uncle

imsebastianstan 🥺🥺

Tomhiddleston congratulations❤️

brooklynhemsworth thank you tom🥰

Tomholland wait are you serious?! Are you really pregnant🤯

Brooklynhemsworth I am baby tom❤️

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