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Brooklyn sat on the hospital bed carrying her newborn daughter. Chris and Elsa were on there way brining what Brooklyn was craving ever since she's been at the hospital giving birth to her lovely daughter.

Hugh walk in the room seeing the most beautiful view he had ever seen. "How did I get this lucky?" Brooklyn turn to face him sending him one of her flashy smile. "Hmm maybe because of James" if it wasn't for James Brooklyn and Hugh wouldn't be where they are right now. They owe it all to him.

Hugh placed a kiss on her lips before kissing her daughter on the forehead when they heard a slight knock on the door. "Can we come in? Is everyone decent enough?" Brooklyn look towards the door and saw her brother peaking a little bit trying to see if everyone had cloths. "Y'all can come in, I was just finishing feeding ellie" Chris and Elsa walk in seeing Brooklyn caring Ellie trying to make her burp

"You know I never knew this day was going to come where I see my little sister have a kid I always thought she was going to be an aunt forever" Brooklyn thought the same thing years ago after she broke up with Adam. Even though she was happy with Adam they both knew this wasn't going to end he was always away filming for criminal minds.

"I thought the same thing but I knew that if she ever had a kid that she would be a great mother, just by seeing her how she treated our kids I knew instantly and now look at you being a wonderful mother to your beautiful daughter, I'm happy for the both of you" Brooklyn was in tears, her sister in-law had just made her cry with wonderful words.

"Um sorry to interrupt this but brook you got a text message from Adam. Who's Adam brook?" Hugh hold her phone in his hand and there was a text that read Adam in there. "His my friend and my ex boyfriend we were just talking a few minutes ago before you came" Elsa and Chris stood there kinda shock they haven't heard about Adam ever since they split up.

"Why are you texting him? I mean shouldn't you supposed not to be texting your ex" Brooklyn sat down on the bed and handed ellie to Chris so he could carry her mean while they talk. "You still talk to deborra you don't see me getting mad, now you have no reason to tell me I can't talk to Adam and I'm sorry if this comes harsh Hugh but I can talk to whoever I want. His my friend Hugh and nothing more"

"I talk to deborra because I have kids that I need to worry about. Your 'ex boyfriend' and you don't have anything to worry about" Brooklyn relax once she knew what was his problem. He was jealous. She wouldn't blame him she was also jealous once she found out about deborra.

"Look Hugh, I know that you're jealous and it's okay to be like that. Now I also know that you should understand that Adam and I are just friends and it's going to be like that, nothing more. I express my love to you so many times so you have nothing to worry about, i Can promise you that Hugh"

Without thinking about it hugh run up to her and gave her one of his tight hugs, he regret everything he told her it wasn't very nice of him to tell him that and also in front of Chris and Elsa. " I'm sorry for speaking to you like this, I don't know what got to me, I just i don't know the image of you being with someone else got to me bad." Brooklyn planted a kiss on his lips before smiling back at him.

"I love you lots"

𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳 -𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘭𝘺𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘴𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩Where stories live. Discover now