Private texts

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Jake: Hugh just told me the news! Congratulations I'm extremely happy for the both of you

Brooklyn: I wanted to be the first one to tell you :(

Jake: do you guys know what's its going to be yet?

Brooklyn: jake we just found out yesterday that we were expecting!

Jake: so what is it going to be?

Brooklyn: we don't know yet!

Jake: well I say it's going to be a boy

Brooklyn: well whatever it is we'll love them just the way they come out.

Jake: so how are you feeling about all of this?

Brooklyn: well at first I thought Hugh and I were moving too fast, but the next day when I woke up I knew for sure that I was in love with him and I do want to spend the rest of my life with him and all of this our unborn child is the beginning of our relationship together.

Jake: I knew you were in love with him since the beginning and when you told me he had hurted you.

Brooklyn: I was broken that day, but then he apologize and I just couldn't contain the feeling I had in my stomach so I forgave him.

Jake: you two really deserve each other, Hugh really deserves someone like you his been through a lot.

Brooklyn: all I want is to make him happy and his kids and now his unborn child that's sleeping inside my stomach.

Jake: if you ever get to meet his kids you're going to fall in love with them, they are the nicest kids you'll ever meet.

Brooklyn: thank you Jake, thanks for saying all that stuff it meant everything to me.

Jake: hey, that's why I'm here for you congratulations once again tell Hugh I'm really happy

Brooklyn: I sure will buddy, love you

Jake: love you too
Delivered 3:16

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