Imessage text

188 2 4

Brooklyn: hey are still working on the computer?

Hugh: yeah I'm almost done fixing it, why?

Brooklyn: I was going to ask if you could bring me a frozen popsicle that's in the fridge but I'll go get it once I put ellie to bed don't worry

Hugh: no it's okay I'll bring it to you, are you in Ellie's room?

Brooklyn: yeah, it's getting hard on putting her to bed I think she's coming down with a fever

Hugh: do you want to take her to the doctor tomorrow morning?

Brooklyn: let's see on how she wakes up tomorrow and if it's worst we'll take her.

Hugh: when's your next check up?

Brooklyn: in 5 days why?

Hugh: directors called in a new movie they want me to be in and I'll be leaving to Los Angeles for I don't know how long

Brooklyn: wait you're leaving again?

Hugh: it won't be for that long

Brooklyn: I'm pregnant and I can't be taking care of ellie at the same time Hugh

Hugh: we'll talk about this tomorrow at breakfast

Brooklyn: we don't have anything to talk about, leave you've done it before

Hugh: come on Brooklyn bare with me

Brooklyn: no Hugh! You are the one that needs to bare with me we are having twins and now you're leaving for work!

Hugh: I know I know and I'm sorry

Brooklyn: go ahead and leave who cares I'm done with all of this

Hugh: what do you mean your down with this?
Delivered 9:30

Hugh: Brooklyn!
Delivered 9:34

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