I Hate It Here!

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First day of classes went well. Harry got picked on by the Potions professor and Head of Slytherin, Snape for being The Boy Who Lived. The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Quirrell kept looking at me funny and stuttering his lectures. Transfiguration professor McGonagall, who was the woman at the entrance the night we arrived, creeped me out a lot less than the other teachers, she always has a stone cold stern look on her face. Weeks passed by, it was almost Halloween. I was in the common room reading in a chair by the window. Reading is all I've done in my free time. One of Draco's friends, Crabbe walked to me.

"Oi Riddle, is that a Muggle book you're reading?"

"None of your business. Did Malfoy tell you to bother me? The bloody coward."

"No he didn't," Crabbe chuckled.

"I'm right here as a matter of fact."

I turned to Draco who was just walking next to me.

"Could you please tell Fatty and Frankenstein to stop bothering me?"

"Who is Frankenstein?"

"The tallest and scariest creature in the Wizarding World," I said sarcastically.

His eyes widened.

"You're a pureblood, I can't believe you don't know who he is. Just joking, it's a Muggle fictional character from a book."

He pointed his wand at me.

"Don't play games with me Riddle!"

"I just rolled the dice."

"Get up Riddle, you filthy little halfblood."

I slowly got up smirking, Draco put his wand down and picked up my book.

"Let's see what books you've been reading Riddle."

He read the title.

"The Cask of Amontillado? A Muggle book, because I've never heard of it."

"You're missing out on some great stories Draco, Muggle or not."

"It's Malfoy to you, I am superior to your kind."

He threw the book in the fireplace that was a few feet away. I was raging mad.

"I was reading that."

Out of my control, Draco started levitating.

"Now I'll never know what's going to happen next!" I yelled.

Draco was whimpering.

"Put me down...please...Christina...Christina...I'm sorry..."

Snape walked in.

"What in Merlin's name is going on here?"

Draco dropped down.

"Riddle, care to explain in my office."

I followed him to his office, around his desk was potion supplies.

"Take a seat Riddle."

I sat down.

"Explain why Mr. Malfoy was levitating."

"Him and his friends were bugging me because I'm a halfblood, he threw my book in the fireplace, I got angry and lost control. I've lost control like this before in the orphanage I grew up in."

"You have, have you?"

"Yes sir."

"You have a rare magical gift, wandless magic. The only person I know of who has it is your father."

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