Chocolate Solves Everything!

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A few days passed by since the incident with Auntie Warthog, it was my thirteenth birthday. I'm thirteen yay! I woke up to Missy licking my face, she fell asleep at the end of the bed the night before.

"Good morning Missy, oh my goodness you're a bit bigger!"

She was a little big but still small like an almost four month old puppy should be. I was startled by a knock.

"Tina, are you awake?"

It was Harry!

"Just woke up, come in."

He walked in along with Ron and Hermione.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Tina, Happy Birthday to you!" They sang.

I smiled.

"Thank you guys!"

Hermione had a fluffy ginger cat in her hands, Ron had his rat Scabbers with him, and Harry had some kind of dessert in his hands.

"I brought you breakfast in bed," Harry said.

"What is it, looks delicious?"

"Sticky Toffee Pudding, with a scoop of ice cream on top."

"Oh wow Harry, thank you, it looks amazing!"

He gave it to me.

"This is Crookshanks," Hermione said introducing her cat.


Suddenly, Missy was trying to get to the pudding.

"Missy no!"

I held up the dessert so she couldn't reach it. Harry picked Missy up and held her. I started eating my breakfast.

"Good morning little girl."

Hermione was smitten over the puppy while Ron just smiled.

"Everybody meet Missy, short for Miska. I found her in a dumpster."

"Aw poor thing!"

She put Crookshanks down and held Missy who started to lick her.

Soon, we were all in the dining area of the Leaky Cauldron, holding our cat, rat, and dog. Ron showed us a picture of him and his family's trip to Egypt.

"Egypt, that seems so fun, we all should come with you next time," I said.

"If Charlie is there next summer, they got the best dragons there," Ron said.

"Since I got kicked out of the orphanage, I don't know who to live with, the Malfoy's who are my family, or with either of you guys."

"Why would that old hag kick you out?" Hermione asked.

"My father...obviously. She knew him when he was a boy."

"Voldemort in an orphanage, now that's an evildoers' backstory if I ever heard one," Harry said smiling.

"Speaking of evildoers, Sirius Black just recently escaped from Azkaban," Hermione said.

"The Minister told us when we first came to the Leaky Cauldron," I said.

"I heard that there will be some safety measures at Hogwarts."

That evening, we celebrated my birthday by eating chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, and when we got to my room, we ate chocolate until we were sickly. It was worth it! We ate our worries away! Eating, dancing to my music, eating, dancing, eating, dancing, and feeling sick to our stomachs from eating and dancing.

You Look So Much Like Your Father (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now