Even Flow

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I looked in the mirror of the orphanage girl's bathroom.

I grew boobs but they're so small they look like they get whacked by Arnold Palmer, you know, the American Muggle golfer

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I grew boobs but they're so small they look like they get whacked by Arnold Palmer, you know, the American Muggle golfer. It was almost my thirteenth birthday, whoopie, then soon I'll be out. One night I was still small like when I left for the summer, now I look like a girl who goes to house parties every weekend. But I still look like Dad. The nightgown I'm wearing is an early gift from Hermione, she always sends me birthday and Christmas gifts early. The nightgown was good for me it's so cold in the orphanage. I walked back to my room after getting ready for bed. I saw Jareth, my owl, screeching and trying to get out.

"Fine Jarry, fine, I will let you out, the windows are shut tightly so you can't get out of the room."

I opened the cage and let the barn owl out. It perched on the headboard of my bed.

"Good boy."

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Christina Riddle, open this door!"

That was Denise, the girl who sleeps next door to me.

"It's unlocked, open it yourself!"

She opened it, Denise was older but we were the same height, she's got a superiority complex, meaning that if she's older, she thinks you're lower than the low.

"Christina, what will it take for you to shut that owl up?"

"Let em out of his cage every once in a while."

She huffed.

"Where did you get that owl anyway? Ever since you started going to this special boarding school, you've been given everything you want!"

"Not everything."

"I'm actually jealous of you Riddle, Mrs. Cole says it's a school for the psychologically impaired."

"The only person who needs psychological help is you...Stubbs. You remind me of a teacher I had last year, he thought he was above everyone but karma hit him in the head and he has permanent amnesia now."

"How dare you, you should watch your back from now on!"

"I literally have eyes on the back of my head Denise, you should watch yours, but you have eyes on the inside of your ass."

She slapped me. My cheek stang. While I held my cheek in pain, Denise got the cage and threw it at Jareth, but he flew away across the room screeching before it hit him. I felt uncontrollable levitation inside me, Denise was slammed against the window hard about three times before I felt satisfied. She was holding her shoulder crying.

"How did you do that!?"

"I'm sorry Denise but you really deserved it. The worst that'll happened is a large bruise on your shoulder, you'll be fine."

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