Big Days Ahead

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It was the day before my fourteenth birthday, it's been a full year since I was kicked out of the orphanage and took Missy in when she was a puppy. A year old already, she's still a puppy, one of the largest puppies ever. I was just waking up, a robe over my nightgown, getting her leash to take her for her morning pee and poo. It was an early foggy morning at Malfoy Manor. The exact time? Don't matter, I was fully awake taking my giant fluffy dog out to do her business. Libby, the house elf Uncle Lucius hired after Dobby was freed, walked out and watched us.

"Good morning Libby," I greeted.

"Good morning Miss. Riddle, Libby will clean up after Missy when she's done yes?"

"I'll do it Libby, she's my dog, my responsibility."

"Yes Miss."

"Thank you. Is anyone else up?"

"Mrs. Malfoy is in the library reading, Libby is waiting on the tea kettle."

I smiled and turned to Missy who was sitting and looking at me with her tongue hanging.

"I think she's done."

I cleaned up after Missy and saw Aunt Cissy in the library putting a book on the shelf.

"Good morning Aunt Cissy."

She walked to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Sleep well darling?"

"Yes I did, dreamed about a beach made of cookies and milk, I'm craving cookies and milk for breakfast."

"No," she said chuckling.

"I know we're having tea but what else?"

"Muffins and cream cheese, and I think Libby said a garnish as well."

"Do you miss Dobby...Aunt Cissy?"

She shrugged.

"He was just like Libby, a lowly house elf."

"That's something Uncle Lucius would say."

"Say what?" Asked a stern husky voice.

I quickly turned to Uncle Lucius who was in the doorway.

"Good morning Uncle Lucius."

"The morning was good until your stupid dog tried to jump on me!"

Missy went passed him and to me.

"I'm starting to regret letting her stay."

"Oh come come Lucius, dogs are a little rough but-"

He interrupted his wife.

"A little rough darling? She almost trampled me a moment ago!"

"Lucius, rough but loyal and sweet, exactly what Missy is."

While my aunt and uncle were talking about Missy, I was giving her head scratches. They finished and looked at us.

"I will admit she is adorable," Uncle Lucius concluded.

I smiled.

"At least you admitted something positive about her, she loves us, that's why she's always happy to see us in the morning. Is Draco still asleep?"

"He needs to wake up, go wake him for breakfast, take the dog with you."

Me and Missy ran to Draco's room, Missy jumped on the bed and started licking him.

"Huh? Missy! Missy stop! Stop it!"

I was laughing.

"Christina tell her to stop!"

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